Monday, June 15, 2009
My beautiful peonies!
That looks like ponies, doesn't it? LOL Anyway, after being totally convinced that my peonies weren't going to bloom I've been totally enjoying them for over a week now! Thought I'd show you a few photos of them, plus some close-up shots I took of a few other flowers I have. I never could figure out why I couldn't get nice close-ups and then I read the instructions for my camera....ta da!!! :)
Now all I need to do is get some petunias so I'll have lots of color in my yard!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Love those Prius commercials!!
These commercials actually make me feel happy!! LOL! I guess it's good that it doesn't take much to make me happy, right?
The commercials are just SO creative! I'm doing some research to find the company responsible (the AD company...Prius is made by Toyota...which really depresses me!) I prefer to buy right now I drive a Buick and it's paid for so I don't really want to take on car payments at this point!
Here's a video on how they made the commercial:
Just a moment in my day I wanted to share with you! :)
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Cool as a cucumber!
I was fortunate enough to only have severe hot flashes for about 5-6 years and feel totally HOT all the time up to this day. That doesn't mean everyone will have the same experience, so don't get hysterical if you are creeping up to the point where your hot flashes may end. I'm just saying that I have to have a fan (or some kind of cool, moving air) on me at all times to feel comfortable. That means winter, spring, summer or fall I have a fan on me and especially when I'm sleeping!
There's nothing worse than breathing dry, warm, stagnant air when I'm trying to sleep. I don't care how cold it is outside (or inside), I like to have a small fan that moves the air around while I snuggle in a warm blanket. My body heats up under the blanket and even though I feel the air from the fan on my face or shoulders, my legs and feet are constantly moving to find a cool spot on the sheets. Usually, it's hopeless and I end up throwing the blankets off me or bringing my feet and legs out from under the blanket until I finally start to feel chilled and have to cover up again. As you might know, this can be exhausting!! Especially when it goes on all night!
So why am I saying "cool as a cucumber"? I've found a new product that I will be sharing with you very soon!
Monday, June 01, 2009
Another "springy" bush/tree!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Darn blackbirds!
I KNOW they're God's creatures too, just like the more ATTRACTIVE birds, but they're such bullies and gluttons and they eat me out of house and home! :( I even bought more expensive birdseed that doesn't have corn in it, which helped but there are still enough of them to drain the feeders. And I've noticed that the cardinals and other birds are staying away....grrrrr!!!
I've got 4 hummingbird feeders out there now since the Orioles like to feed off them too! Been taking lots of pictures but usually through the screen from my office so they don't turn out so great. I'll post some that did though.
Have a wonderful holiday weekend and thanks so much to all those who gave their lives in service to our country!!
Take a look at my daughter's lilac bush!! And the lovely bouquet I brought home:
Monday, May 18, 2009
Quotes from The Secret
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Who comes after the babyboomers?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Homemade chicken salad.....Ummmm!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Losing weight is NOT easy at 61!
By the way....the woman in this cartoon is NOT MINNIE!'s one of her friends. No one, not even myself, have ever seen Minnie's face
Since I don't have the self-discipline to do it right, I've decided to sign up for a ZUMBA class. They actually have them for us older gals who may not have done anything strenuous for quite awhile! That's me!! I'm going to blame it on all of you because for 10 years I've been sitting at this computer working on the website and trying to get you all laughing!
The other thing I'm going to try is NutriSystem. Those ads on TV and seeing Marie Osmond looking SO good now has inspired me to give it another try! My son and DIL both lost weight on it and honestly, the pictures of the food (read "ice cream sandwich") has finally gotten to me! :)
If any of you have tried this or any other program, (my final effort will be Weight Watchers) let me know by posting. Everyone is different and I know it's my own fault for letting things slide the last 4 years, but as always, hearing about someone else close to my age who turned it around will inspire me!!
A few years ago I said I was going to be super healthy when I turned 60...hmmm, I'm not there yet! Ihave psoriasis, sleep apnea and psoriatic arthritis, plus I'm overweight and totally out of hormones so I have quite a challenge in front of me to be "the best me I can be"!! But, as I said, I'm not ready to give up. The women in my family live to their mid-nineties so I don't want to be sitting around for the next 30 years and not be able to enjoy it! Wish me luck and give me some encouragement!
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Should you be taking iron supplements?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Bio-Identical Hormones. Are they really?
Are they really?
We have Oprah, Suzanne Somers, Christiane Northrup and even Dr. Phil's wife, Robin McGraw on the bio-identical bandwagon, but we're still as confused as ever and I personally feel there is still pressure to sell us (middle-aged women) some very expensive drugs that are being hyped as the fountain of youth!
At least one of them is a doctor (Northrup), but
honestly, you can always find equal numbers of doctors, scientists and researchers who either agree or disagree with the safety and the efficacy. I wanted to laugh when the opposing doctor in the audience stated that the drugs you get from the compounding pharmacy (she doesn't accept the bioidentical term) are not monitored by the government, so you don't know what you're getting and if it's safe, etc. The laughable part was because of the 20+ years that the FDA was in bed with the pharmaceutical industry and pushed Premarin and Provera on women like it was candy, saying it would "make you feel like a young woman again"! How is that any different than people saying bioidentical hormones can help a woman get her quality of life back?
If the FDA did nothing to protect us until they were forced to by the WHI report, why should we have confidence in them now when their chain is still being jerked by the pharmaceutical companies? The compounded hormones have been used for many years, but no one said anything about them until the traditional hrt drugs were forced off the market because they
were proven to cause cancer, etc. THEN the pharm companies started demanding that the compounding pharmacies not be allowed to do what they've been doing all along--creating prescribed, individualized doses of hormones for women.
I actually tend to trust what Suzanne Somers says because I can see that she has done the research and does use everything herself. She clearly states that her regimen is not for everyone, but she is proof that she's doing something right if she feels as good as she says
she does. She certainly looks good at 62. And so does Dr. Northrup, but I'm pretty sure both have had some kind of cosmetic enhancements. It's not just hormones that make them look good.
Read More....
Monday, February 16, 2009
A day in February
I have to have another "thing" taken off my leg. The first one was a cutaneous horn that had squamous cancer cells in the skin. This is like the beginning of another "horn" but doesn't necessarily have cancer cells. The doc is going to take it out anyway.
On to happier The Bachelor! Tonight's show looks like it's going to be a shocker, especially with what's her name coming back!! I can't believe she has the guts to do that! And I can't believe I'm getting so riled up about it! LOL I guess when you don't have your own drama to live through, you have to find it somewhere. :)
I'm trying to get my thoughts together for putting my business up for sale. Yup, putting Minnie Pauz on the block! I have a lot to learn about selling an online business. Well, part online part of it is me.....I can't sell me! Or can I? My thought is that I might stay on as the creator of MP and do speaking engagements, etc.
So, we'll see where we end up by 2010.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A review of 2008...
I think what I'll do is forget about trying to be clever or funny or even profound and I'll just share what's in my head....just like the title says, except now it will be a YEAR in the life. Then maybe I won't feel so bad if I don't write every day. I KNOW I can write at least once a YEAR! :)
When I look back to review 2008, I find that it wasn't a very eventful year, but there were several events towards the latter part of the year that might make 2009 more challenging.
First though, January 2008 became the last time I spoke with my Mother until November 2008. No, she didn't die but she did make it clear that she doesn't consider me a daughter to be proud of. I was so stunned when I recieved an email after I broke our silence to find out if she was ok (a trip to the hospital). I thought maybe we could at least get back to talking on a regular basis, but I guess she felt she had to say something to clarify her feelings. This was just part of her email: "I have watched you sit on your butt and eke out a very scant living for yourself, while you were able, physically and intellectually, to get out and get a job, plus do your computer work to supplement your real-job income. Your web site abilities are commendable. But, all you did was sit at home so you could watch your soaps and Oprah every afternoon."
This is my mother's opinion of what I have done with Minnie Pauz ( in the past 12 years. This did it for me....I can't find any further reason to make an effort to repair our relationship. It's sad but it's been going on for several years and I feel I've exhausted every pathway of recovery. I do feel better knowing the mother/daughter relationship is a problem for so many women so I don't feel like some kind of freak who can't get along with her mother. I didn't respond to the letter/email, rather I haven't MAILED my response. It does help to write as if I was going to send it though. The tough part is that this has also affected my relationship with my sister and I haven't quite come to terms with losing this also. It's been a year now and I just don't feel the same trust we've always had. I'm going to let it go for now, but if anyone wants to get into a discussion about it, let me know with your comments and we'll do an entire thread.
The other outcomes of 2008 have to do with my health. For the first time in 10 years I'm fortunate enough to have healthcare coverage through St. Joe's Mercy Hospital. They have a program for people who are employed but still have a low income...well, menopausal cartoons don't really bring in that much so I qualified! :) Now I have discovered that I have high blood pressure, severe psoriasis, severe sleep apnea and psoriatic arthritis. Most of it is not news, but the progression of the arthritis has been a bit troubling. It has helped me make the decision to take Humira, which hopefully will slow the progression AND clear the skin at the same time. Since all of these meds work differently on each person, I can only hope it will work for me without any of the scary side effects that go along with this powerful drug.
After 3 1/2 years of dealing with psoriasis, I'm really looking forward to seeing clear skin!! It's hard to explain something that has bothered you (in various ways) every day, every minute for so long. The itching, the scratching,the flaking, the cracking skin, the bleeding, the burning, the pain and yes, the heartbreak of psoriasis is real. It's been embarrassing and altogether tiring. I hope the Humira does it's best work on me!! I would like to hear from anyone with experience with P and also with Humira.
Then there's the sleep apnea....I'm trying to find a donated bi-pap machine since the program I'm on does not cover this. The cheapest I've seen one is for $400 which is out of the question right now.
One thing I forgot to mention was that I discovered I had a skin cancer (on my leg) right before Christmas. How much more am I to deal with? :) The blessing is that I have the healthcare program that took care of the surgery. I learned some new words through all this: cutaneous horn and squamas carcinoma. I'm thankful it wasn't a melonoma!!
So, I'm heading into 2009 with a few challenges and a change in my family structure and I'm looking forward to whatever lies ahead as I always do. Can't help myself. I've always been a curious person and basically a positive thinker so there's a lot of life to live. I turned 60 in 2008 so I'm figuring on at least another 30 yrs!
Today, as Barack Obama is inaugurated, I believe there's hope for us all if we take the responsibility to make whatever changes we can to make our world work. Here's wishing all of you a happy and prosperous and healthy new year!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Grandchildren with cellphones!!
Two of my grandkids spent the night last night (Bailey, 10 and Zach, 9) and I let them stay up until 2 am thinking they would sleep in late in the morning and I would have some peaceful time for coffee on the deck. Well.......not exactly what happened!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Follow-up on June 27 post
Advice for all ...
Something Dr. Phil always says is the answer, I believe. "Children learn what they live", so.... what if your kids grow up living a life that includes "Mom's time to pursue her interests and needs"? If you're consistent about creating time for everyone, including yourself, your kids adjust to that as normal. I believe this is where most of us went down the wrong path...we gave UP our needs and taught our kids that they deserved our attention 100% of the time. By the time they get out on their own, we have conditioned ourselves to ignore what we want or need or enjoy. I've heard so many women say now when they have the free time to pursue what they want to do, they can't figure out what they want to do!
So why not see what you can do about creating a new "normal" for your family and let everyone help figure out how much time each family member needs or wants? You might be surprised at how understanding and giving your children might be when they find out that you need some time too.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The supplements are working!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Lost 5 pounds!
Today is the last month of June and I have no idea where the rest of the month went! I haven't been very productive, that's for sure.
I've been trying to work on redesigning the website, but it seems too big of a job and no matter how I move things around, it always looks the same to me. I'm stuck!! I need some help!! Just can't afford to pay a designer right now!
I have managed to get more bird pictures. I just love the rose-breasted grosbeak. I've had two males and a female on this feeder at one time. They are very peaceful birds and have the most beautiful song. Think I've mentioned them before on my blog.
Today I'm going to try to get on a health program at St. Joe's. A friend told me about it and I really need to check it out so I can get a complete checkup before I try to get on the Humira for the psoriasis. I want to make sure I'm healthy enough to have my immune system compromised by the Humira. The psoriasis is getting worse by the day and it's embarrassing to go out in public. I still can't get over that this has hit me so late in life and with such a vengeance.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Supplements, psoriasis and weightloss....
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A rose is a rose....
but all I get are these tall healthy stalks with no flowers.
The bush that does bloom is red and it is pretty, but not the kind of roses I it is after blooming This might be called "Purple Simplicity", not sure. This bush is the same one in the picture above.
The leaves on the red bush kind of surround the other one. I might think that was the problem, but I have tried pruning both so they get plenty of sun and air through each plant. I've bought a rose book, trimmed them, pruned them, washed the plants with dishsoap to get rid of the bugs, given them rose food, and even put banana peels under the soil next to the plants. Oh well, guess I'd better enjoy what I've got and maybe some day I'll find a yellow rose blooming by my deck! :)
Friday, June 13, 2008
Old Rockers
There was Cyndi in black leather singing one of her rock songs and I realized her actions were really tamed down compared to how she used to bounce and run all over the stage. I've always been a fan of hers so I'm not putting her down, just noting how one of our age group (babyboomers) is showing signs of....well, you know!
First of all she looked a little "thick" around the middle. We can relate to that, right? Maybe it was just that leather jacket, but I'm not sure. Besides, it was HOT and HUMID out there today, so what was she covering up? What really caught my attention though was when she got down on her knees during the, bless her heart for being able to sing while she's doing ANYTHING else, but I really felt for her when she put her hand on her one knee and PUSHED to get herself up!! She struggled getting back up on the stairs later on too and asked for a hand.
I love that she sang "Girls Just Want to Have Fun"!! One of my favorites! I still love her energy and her uniqueness, I just feel a bit closer to her now that I've seen that time is also taking its toll on celebrities too, not just me!
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Gardening, birdwatching and dentures
Here's a picture showing how she trimmed the pine tree branches and put mulch and some plants under it.
Here's the flower bed that is behind that green electrical box that she designed too. I also have a birdbath over there, a hummingbird feeder and 3 regular birdfeeders, hence the bird watching in the title. :) I can see the birds while I'm sitting on the deck (or from the window next to my computer) and I'm constantly excited about the variety of birds I get. Everything from various woodpeckers to rose breasted grosbeaks to orioles.
I took this picture of one of the woodpeckers (called a red-bellied woodpecker) through the window so it's not as clear as I'd like but it's the first one I've seen in my yard in 12 years! For some reason, maybe the cold weather we've had, but the hummingbirds are not coming like they used to. :( Anyway, I get a lot of enjoyment out of a pretty yard and trying to attract different birds. I had a problem with blackbirds this year though. Don't know why they took over my yard this year. I finally switched to sunflower seeds only, which seems to have worked, but now the other birds don't come as often. I suspect it might be the neighbors' cats that keep hiding in the hasta leaves though! I really wish anyone who lets their cat roam should be required to put a bell on them!
Now about the "denture" part of my life! I just wanted to mention that I am going to start another blog that is only for people with dentures and with PROBLEMS with their dentures, most likely caused by their DENTISTS. I was going to start it when I realized I hadn't posted here for nearly a month (over a month?), so I will try AGAIN to post here more often. Still trying to "find my voice". Seems strange after 12 years of running my website, but it's hard.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Another holiday.....
Then there's always the problem of sharing Mother's Day with the kids' step-mother. More than likely my ex will take her and all the kids & grandkids out to dinner. I don't know why he couldn't invite me too. :) His wife and I get along much better than he and I ever did! Here we are at the family (his family) Christmas party:
Anyway, about the low expectations. It's hard to follow my own advice, ya know? My Mother is not talking to me so it was really hard to find just the right card to send her. hehhehe....I found it though!! It has a black&white photo on the front with a woman screaming bloody murder and on the inside it says: "Oh come on, I wasn't THAT bad!" Happy Mother's Day! I literally cracked up in the store. I'm not sure if it will tickle her funny bone or not, but at least I sent her a card. Sent one to my daughter too. And to my daughter-in-law.
Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely Mother's Day!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Dealing with stress
I've been under quite a bit of stress for at least 3 years. I quit smoking, had all my teeth pulled, dealing with psoriasis, helped my son recover from drug/alcohol addiction, dealing with the IRS and of course, being self-employed. So, I've been trying to find ways to build my immune system back up. I'm beginning to think it's hopeless, but I recently started taking DHEA, plus I take vitamin D-3 and St. John's Wort.
Yes, I prefer not taking drugs for everything, but mainly I don't have health insurance so for now natural is my main option. I may as my dermatologist to write a prescription for Zoloft though, just to see if that helps the stress and therefore the psoriasis.
I'm trying to get a walking routine going again. That will help with the stress and my weight! I've done one day so far! Trying to build up to 30 min. walks every day.
What is your best stress buster?
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Single women and car repairs.
These 4 words do not go together. No matter how knowledgeable you try to look and sound, they still know you are bluffing! It took me months to find WHERE to take my car for the leak problem....not an oil leak or gas leak, but water was getting in my car and soaking the carpet. Once the temp dropped below freezing I had to start wearing ice skates to, not really, but the floor was frozen! It was great when things warmed up a bit except then the horrific smell would fill the car!
Took the car to a auto collision place and this guy had the car for 10 days!!! Found several small leaks in different locations and finally found the main problem somewhere up front. One thing you don't want to see is your car with the seats out and the carpet and padding out. Very sad. :(
Final cost was $553, but he took off $100. But he also said I need a new waterpump...another $240!!! Lord when does it stop!!??
This was after a week when I also had to buy a new dryer and was waiting for my taxes to be done. I've already traded the dryer in for a nicer (more expensive one) since I bought too fast, but the good news of the month is that I only owe $150 on my taxes. That's great news of course, but that means I barely survived on last year's income! Oh well, this year is looking better, except any extra money I've made or saved is going to pay for the car and the new dryer!!
A great gift for the grandkids! I love to get them things they will use for years to come and these Bongo Bags are wonderful! Moms love them and so do the kids!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Gay menopause....
Kind of an oxymoron, right? :) But I'm not talking about "happy" menopause, although I swear I got an email from someone who said they had never had one hotflash or moodswing in the 9 years since their period stopped, so maybe there is such a thing.
I was watching CBS Sunday Morning and they had an excellent piece on Suzy Orman, one of my favorite experts. She gives excellent financial advice and is especially interested in helping women become financially independent. She's inspirational to me because she said she wasn't that smart when she was younger and she brought herself from poverty to being a billionaire! I watch her tv show often and always catch her when she's on Oprah or any other talk show. Just love and admire her!
I had no idea she was gay! It doesn't matter, of course, but I'm surprised that I never heard anything about it. This brought to mind about gay couples (lesbians) going through menopause. Plenty of good/bad stuff here!
If one menopausal woman in the house is tough, what if there are TWO? You can see where the bad would come into play, but what about the good? WEll....having your partner REALLY understand what you're going through would be a plus, wouldn't it?
What if the women are 5 or 6 years apart in age? This brings to mind Rosie O'Donnell and her life partner. I think Rosie is a few years ahead of Kelli. Uh oh....that means possibly going through it all TWICE!! I wouldn't call that GOOD, would you? Another couple is Ellen and Portia. Ellen just turned 50 recently and I've heard her mention being warm a few times on her show. :)
What if one has it really, really tough and the other breezes through with no problems? Even thought one might be happy that their loved one doesn't have to suffer, can you spell R-E-S-E-N-T-M-E-N-T?
Considering that perimenopause and the entire process through post-menopause can last anywhere from 4 to 15 years, this can be quite a strain on a relationship. I found one book titled: Off the Rag: Lesbians Writing on Menopause but it looks like it's out of print. (you might be able to get a used copy though) Here's what the description/review said: This book offers a full range of the often unpredictable experiences of menopause from a large and varied group of women. For lesbians, it is a dramatic departure from many other menopause books which treat this natural occurrence as something which makes us less "womanly," or something which inteferes with the sexual pleasure of a male partner. Traditional hormone replacement therapies and alternative herbal and naturopathic remedies, as well as doing nothing at all for uncomfortable symptoms are offered in these women's stories. The book encourages women to follow our own best instincts and to persevere until we get the help we need, if that's what we want.
My conclusion is....I'm still glad I was not married or in a relationship when I went through MY change! I've always said that I saved some guy a lot of heartache because he didn't have to put up with me during menopause!
How do you feel? Would you rather go through it alone or with your partner/mate?
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Wyeth needs a new approach...
We need alternatives. Why should having choices for our health needs be any different? I also agree that pharmacies should continue to be regulated by the states and should not be allowed to make unsubstantiated statements about compounded products.
I’ve been helping women find their CHOICES for 11 years by showing them both sides of the story. In fact, there have been many women who have been taking Premarin for years and years, my own mother for one, and she’s 77. For some women the synthetic hormones will be fine, but for others who no longer put all their faith in their doctors OR the FDA, they want a choice and the the compounded drugs are a choice.
I believe Wyeth must accept the fact that they only SHARE the pie now, not dominate the market. They also need to show women that they are trying to help, not just trying to make money. This means they need to talk more directly to the average, every day woman with language they can trust and believe in, not have someone like the gorgeous Cheryl Ladd trying to convince us. It’s not working, Wyeth!! Those ads are causing more resentment than confidence. Their PR people need to contact me for an entirely new approach that WILL work.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Don't squeeze the Charmin!!
Ok, second you think it's funny? Usually if you have to ask, it isn't. Or if you have to explain the joke, it isn't. Personally, I think it is pretty clever. hahahaha.....but no one likes to laugh at their own jokes alone! :)
We had a severe storm front move through Michigan last night....about 11 pm the lights went out and the temperature plummeted to 20 or something. The wind blew hard and it rained hard, but the most incredible sight was the lightening. Weird, it was green!
Anyway, I called and reported it to the electric company at 3am because I was afraid no one else on the street did and because I was getting a bit worried since the furnace would not come on without electricity and it was starting to get cold. It was all automated, even the thank you for reporting this outage and I finally fell asleep wondering if I was going to have to go to my daughter's house today. Then at 6am my fan came on! Oh yes, I still use a fan every single night.... I was thrilled!
I came to my office and started the computer....everything went fine, as you can see. Then I turned on the tv in my office and all I get is a blue screen. :( I have satellite so I unplugged everything, turned it on and off, switched boxes, switched cards and nothing but a blue screen. Frustrating because now I know I'll have to go through the process of speaking with someone from India named "Bubba" and just hope his level of English is understandable. Didn't want this crap today and when I go out later to the store, maybe I'd better stay away from the toilet paper aisle!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Time alone is so valuable....
What do they mean I don't get out? Look at me here!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Quit Smoking, ok?
Here's something interesting too....I have mentioned many times that smoking can bring on early menopause (mine at 41), so it's not news that all the chemicals in cigarettes can affect our hormones. That makes me think that quitting might make peri-menopause easier. There hasn't been any formal studies (that I know about) comparing peri with smokers vs with non-smokers. That could be very interesting.
Then I came across some information about how the FDA does nothing to regulate the tobacco industry. This is right after the latest report about the FDA saying that the hormone estriol is not approved by them for use in hormone replacement. This is ridiculous! Just another one of those crazy facts that rule our daily lives. I found the info on a site I support that is trying to keep our kids smoke free. I really think that getting involved with a group like this might help those of you who need a "bigger purpose" than just saving your own lives. I know, it sounds crazy, but while we're smokers, we ARE crazy!!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Black Monday?
This causes stress and stress causes so many health problems!! And, if you don't have health insurance like me, that causes more stress and before you know it, you're unable to motivate yourself to sell, or create or just enjoy an afternoon with your grandchildren! What's that lead to? Depression, of course, and a vicious circle that becomes known as "my normal life".
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
FDA is overstepping responsibility.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
OOps....missed a few days!
Oh well, I'm just getting up to speed after the holidays. Have to go to my daughter's tomorrow at 6 am so she can leave for work and then I get my granddaughter up at 7:30 to eat, get dressed and catch the schoolbus at 8:25. I've been sleeping in for over two weeks now so it's going to be rough to get used to getting up early again.
Been playing online all day instead of working on my newsletter, but I love this site: It's like a myspace for the over 50 crowd! Check it out and report back, ok? :)
My picture for today is one my daughter (same one as above) took while they were in Florida! Thought this would warm you up if you're in a cold climate!
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Happy Birthday!!
and here he is now (with his lovely wife):
Now I'd also like to wish all of you who have birthdays in January a very wonderful day, no matter how old or young you are!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
New beginnings!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Talk about a FRESH start! Look at what I woke up to this morning! I've already been out shoveling and it's somewhat invigorating once you get all bundled up and get out there!
I live in a mobile home park so all the neighbors were outside helping everyone dig their cars out after management plowed down the middle of the street. That makes it twice as hard to get our cars moved--well, it's basically a pain in the butt! The main reason is that this park used to be only two streets and everyone (including me) has two parking spaces to park, on the street. Then a few years ago a new owner expanded the park and now there's all doublewide homes and each one has a driveway for two cars--off the street. But those of us who live in the old part have to shuffle our cars around so they can come and plow the street. What a crazy dance, but like I said, it brings all the neighbors out and makes you want to have hot chocolate!
So the new year starts with a snowstorm.....or did the old year go out with a bang? However you look at it, it's a defining point. I can't say 2007 was the best year. I don't feel like I accomplished much. It was like an uphill battle all the way and nothing was finished. I've still got my son living here, I'm still in a battle with my dentist about my dentures, I'm still not where I want to be with my business.....guess I'll have to set some new goals and see what I can get done in 2008.
One thing I'm going to tackle (again) this year is getting organized and getting rid of clutter! I did it a few years ago with my friend, Pat's help. It's not quite as bad as it was back then, but I'm definitely feeling overwhelmed with clutter! For now that's the only commitment I'm going to make for the new year.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Need more traffic!! :)
So, I was looking back over my recent posts and now that I'm building momentum, I think I'm ready to tell the world about my blog. I really want some comments on what I'm writing each day!! It's hard to tell if anyone is out there, stopping by, reading my blog? Part of the challenge is to hit on a topic that resonates with one or two people and then have them tell someone else and on and on until it's VIRAL!!!
I realize I have to get focused first though. For the last several years I haven't been able to narrow it down. I've gone from menopause to Minnie Pauz and cartooning, to middle age to being a grandmother, to ...... well, it's just all over the place and until my main voice comes through or I say something really controversal, I'm just going to be another blah blogger.
That's it for today folks. Need to go cook dinner for my son and his oldest son, Tye, who is 12 1/2 and knows EVERYTHING! The one I gave a cell phone to for Christmas and he's since decided it's not what he wants regarding the type of phone or the program. Maybe I'll just put arsenic in his mashed potatoes...the little ungrateful.... Oh well, he's just a product of his environment, isn't he? Kids today feel so entitled.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
The new year is almost here!
I'll just head into 2008 with the hope that we'll all become stronger and more loving and more forgiving. and things WILL be better!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Whew! Made it!
wonderful...much better than trying to talk to them on the phone!
Then here's a picture of what I sent them! I leave the toys and clothes to everyone else and I usually get them something that will be used for several years (picnic table, wagon, etc). These are Bongo Bags and I didn't realize the kids actually enjoy them. My daughter-in-law told me they love to get inside and roll around, but mostly it makes them want to pick their toys up (and keep them in the Bongo Bag). The first thing one of the boys did was crawl inside! My son got a picture of it but hasn't sent it to me yet. Anyway the fingers are pointing to the Frog, the Elephant and the Alligator......
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Baby boomer or Middle Aged?
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Shopping in China?
Why you should buy from small toy shops, not Wal-Mart
The Boston Globe reports that shoppers are buying toys for their children at small stores and avoiding Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (NYSE: WMT) whose Chinese toys they fear.
One Cambridge, MA store, Stellabella Toys, has shifted its merchandise suppliers from Chinese to European and U.S. toy makers. Stellabella bought as many LEGO toys (made in Denmark) and Playmobil products (made in Germany) as possible. And it added new lines, including German stacking toys and wooden trains from Maple Landmark Woodcraft of Vermont.
More than 65% of consumers will refuse to buy toys from China this season. This hurts Wal-Mart which offers cheaper prices by importing Chinese merchandise. That's because 80% of all US toys are manufactured in China, where they are cheaper to produce. It is more likely that the Chinese toys will end up in mass merchants like Wal-Mart, which often carry large volumes of toys.
I don't know if Wal-Mart will start buying safe toys -- its purchasing volume could drive down the prices and thus bring back some of those shoppers. But in the meantime, you can check out the toys sold by small stores like Stellabella. At least it's supplying what American shoppers want -- safe toys for their families.