Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The supplements are working!!

I am more amazed than anyone, but I can honestly report that the supplements I've been taking have greatly improved the psoriasis and I have pictures to prove it!
The first one was taken in June and the second in July, so there you are! I still have a ways to go for it to be completely clear, but at least I can wear short sleeved shirts without feeling like I was grossing everyone out!
I have to thank Dr. Rallie McAllister for insisting that I try this particular combination of herbal supplements from Nature's Sunshine Because Rallie is a medical doctor who has now come to a more natural approach to medical problems, I was willing to try what she suggested, but make no mistake, I was skeptical as hell. For 3 years I've been reading psoriasis message boards and only found one natural solution, but it was for a complete cleansing diet and I just wasn't ready for that yet. I think I might be after seeing these beginning results.
Things are looking up for this old gal!!


  1. So glad the supplements are working for you Dee!


  2. Thanks for your comment, Karen. Sometimes I'm not sure if anyone is reading or not!! :)


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