Monday, November 09, 2009
The Dreaded Facial Hair issue!!

Monday, August 03, 2009
Vitamin D recommendations
I just had a full blood workup and checking for Vitamin D (which is really not a vitamin) was not even mentioned. Next time I will ASK for that...which is another frustration of mine...if WE know this information and there's so many reports about how people are so deficient in vit D, then why do we have to mention it to our doctors? Boggles the mind considering it's such an important element in our makeup.
Here's a response to the piece on Good Morning America:
5 Ways Vitamin D Could Save Your Life - ABC News: "I am Vitimin D deficient and just taking D3 was not being absorbed. I am now on a very high dose of D3 and having my blood checked to see if I am absorbing it. I was told that most of the D in food products and solid pill form was ineffective. Have your doctor order a blood test to see how much D you need. If you are going to take it, it makes sense to be taking the right amount and the correct type."
Here's a great article that explains all of this, like:
"The skin produces approximately 10,000 IU vitamin D in response 20–30 minutes summer sun exposure—50 times more than the US government's recommendation of 200 IU per day!"
Vitamin D Council | Understanding Vitamin D Cholecalciferol
So, how much did YOU know about Vitamin D?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Losing weight is NOT easy at 61!

By the way....the woman in this cartoon is NOT MINNIE! hehehe.....it's one of her friends. No one, not even myself, have ever seen Minnie's face
Since I don't have the self-discipline to do it right, I've decided to sign up for a ZUMBA class. They actually have them for us older gals who may not have done anything strenuous for quite awhile! That's me!! I'm going to blame it on all of you because for 10 years I've been sitting at this computer working on the website and trying to get you all laughing!
The other thing I'm going to try is NutriSystem. Those ads on TV and seeing Marie Osmond looking SO good now has inspired me to give it another try! My son and DIL both lost weight on it and honestly, the pictures of the food (read "ice cream sandwich") has finally gotten to me! :)

If any of you have tried this or any other program, (my final effort will be Weight Watchers) let me know by posting. Everyone is different and I know it's my own fault for letting things slide the last 4 years, but as always, hearing about someone else close to my age who turned it around will inspire me!!
A few years ago I said I was going to be super healthy when I turned 60...hmmm, I'm not there yet! Ihave psoriasis, sleep apnea and psoriatic arthritis, plus I'm overweight and totally out of hormones so I have quite a challenge in front of me to be "the best me I can be"!! But, as I said, I'm not ready to give up. The women in my family live to their mid-nineties so I don't want to be sitting around for the next 30 years and not be able to enjoy it! Wish me luck and give me some encouragement!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Advice for all ...
Something Dr. Phil always says is the answer, I believe. "Children learn what they live", so.... what if your kids grow up living a life that includes "Mom's time to pursue her interests and needs"? If you're consistent about creating time for everyone, including yourself, your kids adjust to that as normal. I believe this is where most of us went down the wrong path...we gave UP our needs and taught our kids that they deserved our attention 100% of the time. By the time they get out on their own, we have conditioned ourselves to ignore what we want or need or enjoy. I've heard so many women say now when they have the free time to pursue what they want to do, they can't figure out what they want to do!
So why not see what you can do about creating a new "normal" for your family and let everyone help figure out how much time each family member needs or wants? You might be surprised at how understanding and giving your children might be when they find out that you need some time too.