What prompted this post today? I watch the "news" about menopause each day so I can share the info with my readers on my website, blog and on Facebook. Today I saw a headline that says, "Soy may ease sleep problems in older women". As I read through the article I kept seeing phrases like "small study", "disappointing results", well....here, read for yourself:
Friday, September 03, 2010
This post MAY cure what ails you!
What prompted this post today? I watch the "news" about menopause each day so I can share the info with my readers on my website, blog and on Facebook. Today I saw a headline that says, "Soy may ease sleep problems in older women". As I read through the article I kept seeing phrases like "small study", "disappointing results", well....here, read for yourself:
Friday, January 22, 2010
Canadian writer is sick and tired....
Here's an excerpt from her article with a link to the entire piece. I hope you'll come back here and discuss it.
Use your brain and stop blaming your hormones
By Naomi Lakritz, Calgary Herald
Walsh, a former Toronto television broadcaster, was convicted of assault this week for an air rage incident on an Air Canada flight last March from London to Toronto, which was diverted to St. John's, N.L., due to a medical emergency on board. The sordid little scenario involved Walsh slapping another passenger, hence the assault conviction, and being found guilty under the Aeronautics Act of not obeying the flight crew's instructions to take her seat. She was ordered to pay $2,460 in fines and to remove nasty comments from her blog that she'd posted about the passenger she slapped.
I'm sorry, but menopause does not cause women to breach the Aeronautics Act. By the same token, neither does the Aeronautics Act, which is a pretty dry and straightforward law, as statutes go, have an inciting effect on estrogen or progesterone levels.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
More sex helps with menopause symptoms?
More sex is good for your health, studies have shown.
Now, a soon-to-be-published article in the Journal of Sexual Medicine details the health benefits, CNN reports.
The greatest benefits came from having more intercourse, rather than other types of sexual activity, Scottish researcher Stuart Brody said he found after reviewing decades of research.
Among the health benefits linked to frequent sex: longer life, a healthier heart, lower blood pressure, less risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer, pain relief, a slimmer build and fewer symptoms of menopause.
Uhhhhhh.....we need to talk about this. With so many women suffering with lack of sexual desire, how do you come to terms with this issue?
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Weather and Menopause in Michigan

And here's the same yard in June:

THEN on the 25th of June:
That's some serious hail! I've got hundreds of dents on my car! (waiting for the insurance adjuster now)
We had about a week of VERY hot temps...I ran my a/c for 4 days straight and today, the last day of June....it's raining and the temperature probably won't hit 70°.
What's that mean to a menopausal woman???? PURE HEAVEN!! I love it!
Oh....by the way, I did get the petunias and a few marigolds for some color!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Don't squeeze the Charmin!!

Ok, second question...do you think it's funny? Usually if you have to ask, it isn't. Or if you have to explain the joke, it isn't. Personally, I think it is pretty clever. hahahaha.....but no one likes to laugh at their own jokes alone! :)
We had a severe storm front move through Michigan last night....about 11 pm the lights went out and the temperature plummeted to 20 or something. The wind blew hard and it rained hard, but the most incredible sight was the lightening. Weird, it was green!
Anyway, I called and reported it to the electric company at 3am because I was afraid no one else on the street did and because I was getting a bit worried since the furnace would not come on without electricity and it was starting to get cold. It was all automated, even the thank you for reporting this outage and I finally fell asleep wondering if I was going to have to go to my daughter's house today. Then at 6am my fan came on! Oh yes, I still use a fan every single night.... I was thrilled!
I came to my office and started the computer....everything went fine, as you can see. Then I turned on the tv in my office and all I get is a blue screen. :( I have satellite so I unplugged everything, turned it on and off, switched boxes, switched cards and nothing but a blue screen. Frustrating because now I know I'll have to go through the process of speaking with someone from India named "Bubba" and just hope his level of English is understandable. Didn't want this crap today and when I go out later to the store, maybe I'd better stay away from the toilet paper aisle!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
FDA is overstepping responsibility.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Need more traffic!! :)
So, I was looking back over my recent posts and now that I'm building momentum, I think I'm ready to tell the world about my blog. I really want some comments on what I'm writing each day!! It's hard to tell if anyone is out there, stopping by, reading my blog? Part of the challenge is to hit on a topic that resonates with one or two people and then have them tell someone else and on and on until it's VIRAL!!!
I realize I have to get focused first though. For the last several years I haven't been able to narrow it down. I've gone from menopause to Minnie Pauz and cartooning, to middle age to being a grandmother, to ...... well, it's just all over the place and until my main voice comes through or I say something really controversal, I'm just going to be another blah blogger.
That's it for today folks. Need to go cook dinner for my son and his oldest son, Tye, who is 12 1/2 and knows EVERYTHING! The one I gave a cell phone to for Christmas and he's since decided it's not what he wants regarding the type of phone or the program. Maybe I'll just put arsenic in his mashed potatoes...the little ungrateful.... Oh well, he's just a product of his environment, isn't he? Kids today feel so entitled.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Hormones out of whack? It may be your thyroid!

Here's another issue someone wrote to me about today and I believe it all goes together:
The Anti-Estrogen Diet Could Change Your Life
Sylvia Hubbard Monday, Aug. 6, 2007
Plagued by a stubborn roll of belly fat that just won't disappear no matter how hard you diet? Worn down by the daily grind of life, but your doctor only issues the standard "eat less, exercise more, and get more sleep" advice?
Maybe you need to take a long hard look at the "anti-estrogenic" diet.
It's not really a diet at all in the usual sense, but more of a change in the types of foods eaten. The idea behind it, as the name suggests, is to eliminate foods high in estrogen, which create a condition called "estrogen dominance," according to Ori Hofmekler, author of The Anti-Estrogenic Diet. Read this article here
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Advertising to babyboomer women

Most of you know that I don't make much of an issue out of my age (I'll be 60 in April) or the fact that I'm not the pretty young thing of my youth (I'd say until I hit about 40?), but I'm finally at the point where if someone is going to claim they are speaking to ME as a middle aged woman who is NOT a model, they really should try to use age appropriate photos so as not to send me over the edge like this one did.
I tried to let it go unnoticed, really I did, because it was in one of the fairly reliable, interesting, and as they say, "trusted" sources for menopause information, but my eyes kept going back to the smooth face on this lovely girl, the smokey, sultry eyes and that sunlit, slightly tossled mane of blond hair. I've got to be honest, I have no idea what is in the rest of the email. This really deflated my energy level today for some reason.
After nearly 11 years of running my website, I'm fully aware that the woman in the picture could very well be suffering with symptoms of peri-menopause and her looks have nothing to do with the need for information, but how do we get it through to these people who are trying to sell us something that we need to feel represented, understood and taken seriously. I may be wrong, but what do you want to bet that it's a man who put this particular email together? I really doubt if it was a woman, or if it was, it was a young woman who probably thought "this woman looks like she's wondering why she pee'd her pants as she was getting down off her horse." I just want to have the opportunity to review a product or information that is truly made for my benefit without feeling like whoever is pushing this or that, assumes they know what I need or want. And trust me, there are millions of women who feel the same as I do. Your comments are welcome.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
How to approach a birthday!

:) No more excuses about forgetting, Sister! No more 6pm phone call from the kids saying "Happy Birthday".....and I mean literally, that's it! I have had more heartfelt greetings from my minniepauz.com subscribers who I've never even met!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Mixing menopause and business...

Monday, February 05, 2007

Ahhh yes, the month of LOVE! I think I remember what that's all about. Those of you with spouses or sweethearts can really appreciate the upcoming holiday, but I really think those of us who are not in a relationship should consider February 14, GIRLFRIEND'S DAY!! Actually the card companies have designated August 1 for that day, but we all know that at this age NOBODY can tell us what to do, right? So, August 1 is not big enough. Not to worry, we'll just hijack Valentine's Day for our own purposes! It's already got most of the elements that women love anyway, right? There's red and pink decorations everywhere, cuddly little teddy bears that say I love You (or anything you like...just contact me), LOTS of chocolate, cards that express so much of what we want to say to our gal pals....I'm so glad we can hug and kiss our girlfriends and tell them how much they mean to us without worrying about what people say! So now that we've redefined a national holiday, let's seriously appreciate each other!
Go Red For Women is the American Heart Association’s nationwide movement that celebrates the energy, passion and power we have as women to band together and wipe out heart disease. Thanks to the participation of millions of people across the country, the color red and the red dress have become linked with the ability all women have to improve their heart health and live stronger, longer lives.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Still not getting here daily.
Ok, so what's going on this week? I can't resist mentioning that a writer from Forbes magazine contacted me on Friday (then a "fact checker" called today to verify the info). He said it's a very small article about how people (women?) are making money from menopause related businesses. I sure hope it does better for me (traffic wise) than the TIME article did last year! I got NOTHING from that because they didn't even use the interview and didn't put the web address in the side bar next to my picture. It still irritates me. That could have been such a great opportunity...I'm sure it was for the ones that made it into the article. Let's all just hope the Forbes piece does better.

Well, that's not bad for today! :) If I can get here tomorrow (after my dentist appt.), that will be an accomplishment. There's still a lot I need to figure out on using this. I'd love to hear from anyone who has dentures in their 50's and early 60's. I've got all kinds of concerns...like how do you get back into dating???? Oh My!!!