Thursday, September 03, 2009

September Musings & Summer Memories

We've had glorious weather in Michigan and even though Fall doesn't officially begin until the 22nd, I'm already getting "into the mood"! My thoughts are going to cider and cinnamon donuts and my eyes are searching the tops of the trees. Noticed the first colors on a couple of trees yesterday! I also keep an eye on several live cameras from the UP since they turn first. I'll never forget my trip up to Copper Harbor (5 years ago-I think) where I was fortunate enough to catch the tail-end of the fall colors! After that trip I was ready to MOVE up there, but alas, it was not to be. Here are just a couple of the (hundred) pictures I took up there:

This year I spent my summer going to the grandkids' soccer and baseball games.....

and watching the birds and other critters from my office window:

Since it's only the 3rd of September, I guess I don't really have many "musings" yet! LOL I really just wanted to get my posts started for this month. Everyone is getting ready (in the US for the Labor Day weekend. I plan on getting my Sept. newsletter ready to send on the 9th. If you're not on the list, sign up at

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Choosing natural supplements

It's getting very complicated out there when it comes to finding the right products for a variety of health issues from things as serious as depression to just cold medicines. For menopause supplements it's REALLY getting hard! There are HUNDREDS, if not thousands, of products that make claims from "help relieve symptoms" to "cure your menopause". Some really do help and everyone just has to experiment to find what works for them, but Ladies, there is NO CURE for menopause! That's one reason I came up with the phrase "Menopause is not a disease, it's a LIFESTYLE"™

Here's a good example. I've been taking St. John's Wort for many years, not on a daily basis, just when I noticed that I was feeling down too often. I usually felt kind of a lift of spirits within 3-4 days and would then stop taking it. You must be careful if you're taking other medications because SJW can interact with them! SJW interacts with many medications because one of the main active ingredients (Hyperforin) is a potent inducer of the P glycoprotein enzyme, which is involved in metabolizing about 50% of the drugs on the market. This leads to medicines being metabolized by the body more quickly, decreased serum levels of these medications and reduced efficacy."

Then I read this: "According to the research, only St. John's Wort extracts that are standardized to contain 3-5% hyperforin effectively relieve depression, so don’t settle for products that aren’t standardized for hyperforin or standardize only for another, less important compound called hypericin. Also, keep in mind that St. John's Wort usually requires at least three weeks to begin working, and may not produce its full effects for a month or two."

When I looked at my bottle of SJW, I saw that it is standardized for hypericin, not hyperforin. Here's more info to explain this: Not all St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) products are created equal. Unfortunately, most of the brands found on the shelves of your local vitamin shop or health food market will do nothing to help depression or anxiety. Why? Because few products sold in the United States contain a standardized amount of the active ingredient, hyperforin. (Carefully examine products that claim to be "standardized", because most standardize for only hypericin, an inactive ingredient!)

Recent research shows that only St. John's Wort extracts standardized to contain high concentrations of hyperforin relieve depression and anxiety. Extracts not containing significant levels of hyperforin, even when standardized for hypericin and manufactured using accepted methods, work no better than placebo. I've written to Sundown and hope they will respond with an explanation about why their SJW uses an inactive ingredient. I'm sure they will and I still trust their name as much as any of them (not saying how much that is though). I just bought a new product yesterday--Apple Cider Vinegar tablets--made by Sundown. I'll definitely post their response here when I get it.

Now I'm out on the search for OTHER products that need some research! You all can help me out here if you have found something that doesn't do what it's supposed to do or have the stuff it's supposed to have. Just make sure you back it up with your research, ok?

Monday, August 03, 2009

Vitamin D recommendations

I'm finally hearing about something that is obviously SO important...Vitamin D! I've been on a search for the past 4½ years for something to help my skin because of psoriasis, so the issue of vit D has been on my radar for awhile now and I knew that the recommendations were way too low. I've been taking up to 4000 UI per day and today I heard a doctor on Good Morning America say "I recommend 1000 to 2000 international units of vitamin D supplements every day. It's cheap, there are no side effects or down sides. Although D3 is considered more potent and longer lasting, both D2 and D3 are acceptable."

I just had a full blood workup and checking for Vitamin D (which is really not a vitamin) was not even mentioned. Next time I will ASK for that...which is another frustration of mine...if WE know this information and there's so many reports about how people are so deficient in vit D, then why do we have to mention it to our doctors? Boggles the mind considering it's such an important element in our makeup.

Here's a response to the piece on Good Morning America:

5 Ways Vitamin D Could Save Your Life - ABC News: "I am Vitimin D deficient and just taking D3 was not being absorbed. I am now on a very high dose of D3 and having my blood checked to see if I am absorbing it. I was told that most of the D in food products and solid pill form was ineffective. Have your doctor order a blood test to see how much D you need. If you are going to take it, it makes sense to be taking the right amount and the correct type."

Here's a great article that explains all of this, like:
"The skin produces approximately 10,000 IU vitamin D in response 20–30 minutes summer sun exposure—50 times more than the US government's recommendation of 200 IU per day!"

Vitamin D Council | Understanding Vitamin D Cholecalciferol

So, how much did YOU know about Vitamin D?

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Am I still middle aged?

Sometimes when we're not paying attention, we slip through one age group to another and I'm really trying to be REAL about where I am. LOL! The last time I was truly certain about what group I belonged in was when I was a teenager! That is clearly defined, but after that we're usually described by our decade--20's, 30's, 40's--then it starts getting sticky!

I guess we'll have to blame it on AARP. They are to blame for all the angst that comes sometime during your 49th year. Afterall, it's a magazine for RETIRED people for cripes sake! How many of you will retire (or have retired) at age 50? Here's my guess--0. Even the people who can AFFORD to retire at that age, don't. That's not what babyboomers do. So many that I know just create an entirely new career. Even I STARTED my business, Minnie Pauz Enterprises, at age 49 so I'm certainly not retired.

Which brings me back to my question. I accepted the fact that I was middle aged at 50because it's the "middle" of almost everything...the football field, the speedometer and the number 100. But, now that I'm 11 years past that mid-mark, I'm getting concerned. Am I falling into the OMG, SENIOR category???? To most in their 20's, 30's and 40's, yes I'm most definitely a senior citizen. To those in their 50's, I think they would be a little more kind considering they're starting to see the short time span between 50 and 60. I'm sure they would consider me still in the middle aged group, right?

Considering the fact that I now am only 9 years (a blink of my bespeckled eyes) away from OMG, 70, I am going to say that I would say that middle age covers from 45 through 65. After all, we DO want to take advantage of all the Senior Citizen Discounts, right? (You know, dicount wheelchairs, life insurance, LOL).

So I guess that gives me another 4 years to call myself middle aged instead of a senior! Whew!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bioidentical Hormones Helping With Menopause

We're starting to see the same kind of hype for bioidenticals that we've been seeing for menopause supplements for several years. I followed a news report on Google and found an interview with a doctor who uses "pellets" that are inserted under a woman's skin and which releases hormones gradually. Ok, fine. I've read about these and have had many women who swear by this treatment. But what bothers me is hearing a doctor make these kind of claims:

"If taken appropriately in the right doses at the right time bioidentical hormones can help prevent things like osteoporosis, heart disease, number one killer in menopausal women colon cancer they've to decrease incidents of Alzheimer's disease." Fronstin said he uses pellets versus creams because they allow for a constant release of hormones. Both patients told us since having the pellets injected they feel like they're in their 20's again.

Hmmmm....BOTH patients feel like they're in their 20's again? Puhleeeze! Sounds like the sales pitch 30 or 40 years ago when they were trying to push hormones as the fountain of youth for every woman. Now they're including the men too. Sure, why not expand the market? We do know that testosterone levels get low as men age and that they have many related problems, but the guy in this video was saying it helped him paint more houses????!!!! Give me a break!

What do you think about the way companies are "hawking" products and drugs to menopausal women? I want to hear your comments.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

FINALLY speaking out about menopause! Really?

I was happy to read that the Colorado's First Lady, Jeannie Ritter, was hosting a forum on menopause, but kind of chuckled when I read this, "Wouldn't it be great if we could get people talking about it and get it out on the table?" OMG, you mean she hasn't heard about MINNIE PAUZ®? LOL! Here's the key....women don't HEAR it until they're experiencing it! That means there's so much work to do to educate women on what to EXPECT as well as what to do when they're starting the process.

But why is there a $50 fee to attend the forum? The cost is $50 for three two-hour sessions covering symptoms of menopause, options for treatment, and how to protect your health. The sessions will be held at College Hill Library, 3705 West 112th Avenue, Westminster. Tacky! In this economy, I don't think women should be charged for this kind of thing. I would like to see how many actually pay to get information readily available on the internet!

Washing, stripping, sealing the deck!

Wow, what a job! My daughter was partially layed off from her job (things are tough here in Michigan!) so I "hired" her to redo my deck, which hadn't been done for about 5 years. This was what it looked like when she started and after she stripped it: (click on the pictures to see full size)

Then this shows the final result. Looks pretty good! It's supposed to rain today, so I'll be watching to see if it "beads" up!! :)

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Practicing to be a video star!

Here's my first attempt at making a video! What I plan on doing is a weekly Minnie Pauz Show where viewers will be able to send in questions and I'll try to answer them on the next week's show. Who knows how this will turn out but here's my first effort! It has absolutely nothing to do with menopause....or DOES it? hmmmm.... LOL

I added the rest of it, hope it works right. When I put it on youtube it was very slow to load. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Thursday, July 02, 2009

All about me!

Finally took a decent picture of myself that I'm willing to share (and I've put it EVERYWHERE)! LOL!! And I promise I only doctored it a little bit!! (that means I took off ONE of the chins, so now I only have TWO!)

Today I'm going to toot my horn a little! Here's a couple of interviews I've done that will give you a little history about me (in the first one) and also tell my viewpoint:

Menopause Humor: A Lighter Look at Menopause with Minnie Pauz Creator Dee Adams
By Tracee Cornforth,

Skin Deep - Seeking a Natural Remedy for Hot Flashes -
From fertile to post-fertile, many women are using natural methods to ease menopause symptoms.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Weather and Menopause in Michigan

Or anywhere else for that matter. It's starting not to be a joke anymore! Here's my yard in May:

And here's the same yard in June:

THEN on the 25th of June:

That's some serious hail! I've got hundreds of dents on my car! (waiting for the insurance adjuster now)
We had about a week of VERY hot temps...I ran my a/c for 4 days straight and today, the last day of's raining and the temperature probably won't hit 70°.

What's that mean to a menopausal woman???? PURE HEAVEN!! I love it! the way, I did get the petunias and a few marigolds for some color!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Will menopause hurt your job chances?

Women of a certain age are already having trouble finding jobs when they have to and this is not going to help, but at least it validates the fact that we aren't totally crazy!

Menopause Hurts Women's Ability To Learn
Memory, Processing Speed Don't Work As Well

Women about to enter menopause may not be able to learn things as well as during other stages of life, a new study said.

Researchers from UCLA studied more than 2,300 women between the ages of 42 and 52. They were given test of memory and thinking speed.

The study found that processing speed improved with repeated testing during the early stages of menopause, but that scores during late perimenopause did not show the same degree of improvement.

That is, the further they got into menopause, the less quickly they could pick up new skills.

Dr. Gail Greendale, who was involved in the study, said in a news release that the results match what 60 percent of women already said was true -- they have memory problems while starting menopause.

"The good news is that the effect of perimenopause on learning seems to be temporary. Our study found that the amount of learning improved back to premenopausal levels during the postmenopausal stage," Greendale said.

The study also found that taking estrogen or progesterone hormones before menopause helped verbal memory and processing speed. But taking them after the final menstrual period had a negative effect.

The research was published in the journal Neurology.

Let's just keep this our little secret, ok?

Monday, June 15, 2009

My beautiful peonies!

That looks like ponies, doesn't it? LOL Anyway, after being totally convinced that my peonies weren't going to bloom I've been totally enjoying them for over a week now! Thought I'd show you a few photos of them, plus some close-up shots I took of a few other flowers I have. I never could figure out why I couldn't get nice close-ups and then I read the instructions for my camera....ta da!!! :)

Now all I need to do is get some petunias so I'll have lots of color in my yard!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Love those Prius commercials!!

These commercials actually make me feel happy!! LOL! I guess it's good that it doesn't take much to make me happy, right?

The commercials are just SO creative! I'm doing some research to find the company responsible (the AD company...Prius is made by Toyota...which really depresses me!) I prefer to buy right now I drive a Buick and it's paid for so I don't really want to take on car payments at this point!

Here's a video on how they made the commercial:

Just a moment in my day I wanted to share with you! :)

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Cool as a cucumber!

Many of you know that I am post menopausal (since 1999 no less!) and have long been over MOST of the troublesome symptoms, except for all the new ones that are AGE related now that I'm 61! We'll talk about those at another time! Right now I'm thinking of all of you who suffer with nightsweats!

I was fortunate enough to only have severe hot flashes for about 5-6 years and feel totally HOT all the time up to this day. That doesn't mean everyone will have the same experience, so don't get hysterical if you are creeping up to the point where your hot flashes may end. I'm just saying that I have to have a fan (or some kind of cool, moving air) on me at all times to feel comfortable. That means winter, spring, summer or fall I have a fan on me and especially when I'm sleeping!

There's nothing worse than breathing dry, warm, stagnant air when I'm trying to sleep. I don't care how cold it is outside (or inside), I like to have a small fan that moves the air around while I snuggle in a warm blanket. My body heats up under the blanket and even though I feel the air from the fan on my face or shoulders, my legs and feet are constantly moving to find a cool spot on the sheets. Usually, it's hopeless and I end up throwing the blankets off me or bringing my feet and legs out from under the blanket until I finally start to feel chilled and have to cover up again. As you might know, this can be exhausting!! Especially when it goes on all night!

So why am I saying "cool as a cucumber"? I've found a new product that I will be sharing with you very soon!

Monday, June 01, 2009

Another "springy" bush/tree!

Had to share this with you. My neighbor's brother has the most beautiful wisteria in his yard! He was telling us that it took about 5 years of careful growing and training before it bloomed. If you're interested, just do a search for wisteria or growing wisteria.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Darn blackbirds!

I KNOW they're God's creatures too, just like the more ATTRACTIVE birds, but they're such bullies and gluttons and they eat me out of house and home! :( I even bought more expensive birdseed that doesn't have corn in it, which helped but there are still enough of them to drain the feeders. And I've noticed that the cardinals and other birds are staying away....grrrrr!!!

I've got 4 hummingbird feeders out there now since the Orioles like to feed off them too! Been taking lots of pictures but usually through the screen from my office so they don't turn out so great. I'll post some that did though.

Have a wonderful holiday weekend and thanks so much to all those who gave their lives in service to our country!!

Take a look at my daughter's lilac bush!! And the lovely bouquet I brought home:

Monday, May 18, 2009

Quotes from The Secret

I've been posting quotes from The Secret on my Facebook page and on Twitter (look for MinniePauz on both) and it seems to be very popular, so I will do it here also and hopefully encourage some of you to give it a try. I bought the book, read it and then loaned it to a friend and haven't seen it since. :) Fortunately, most of the quotes are online so we can refresh our enthusiasm whenever we want. Here's one for today: "You can change your emotion immediately .. by thinking of something joyful, or singing a song, or remembering a happy experience."

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Who comes after the babyboomers?

"Gen X is 1961-1981, so currently 28-48 year olds’s are Xers. Please for the love of god don’t lump them into the baby boomers!! 1941-1961, so 48-68 year olds, are more rightly defined by the BB term (using Strauss & Howe “Generations” methodology)."

I hardly ever hear anything from this group. LOL...guess the babyboomers have been making too much noise ( I wonder how many there are? This was a response to a post about "Menopause the Musical" and the person who wrote the review made a boo-boo when she lumped the Gen Xr's with the Boomers. I was pleased to see someone stand up for their group, but why be so angry? ("for the love of god"?) hahaha...well, I guess they don't want to be defined by the qualifications to be a boomer.

Even some of the boomers don't want to be recognized as such! That means someone might know they have a AARP card! Even worse, someone might see them using it! I've had mine for over 10 years and I've actually used it once. Got $10 off for a motel room one time. I actually never think of pulling it out or asking a merchant if they give a discount!

I kind of understand the Gen X person because I don't want to be called a SENIOR just yet! The official age is 65 and I'm only 61 (on Monday), so for the love of god don't lump ME in with THEM!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Homemade chicken salad.....Ummmm!

I just finished making a batch of chicken salad. Another effort to stay away from all the stuff that makes me fat! And even though I used real mayonaisse (not the low fat stuff), it's still so much better than a bag of chips or a bowl of ice cream, right?
I find that I'm kind of anal about making chicken salad. I bought a bag of frozen chicken tenders, baked them in the oven with a little celery salt and pepper for flavor, comes the anal part....I minced the chicken, celery, onion and hard boiled egg by hand. I'm not talking about chopped into small pieces, I mean MINCED! :) I didn't want to do the chicken in the little chopper I have because some of it gets too mushy and then the other stays in bigger chunks. This way I get it all the same. To finish it off, I put the mayonaisse (not too much) and a little more celery salt and pepper.

It was so good! I've been munching on it all day. I put a forkful on a couple of crackers and that way I don't end up eating two pieces of bread. I also like to just eat it by the spoonful.

Then I went to get my hair cut and told Gina (who's been doing my hair for 13 years) to do something different. I'm tired of always ending up with what I call an "old lady haircut"! So today she did pretty good, but it's hard to take a picture of myself...LOL. What do you think?

It doesn't really show the shape in this picture, but it's shorter in the back and then comes down to my cheeks on the front. Kind of cute, even if I do say so myself. And since I'll be 61 on Monday, I definitely want to be cute!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Losing weight is NOT easy at 61!

Back in 2002 when I was 52, I decided to go on the Atkins program to lose weight for the Minnie Pauz Meltdown Cruise. I lost 55 lbs. in about 3 months and felt wonderful! I managed to keep the weight off for about 2 years and then gradually started bringing more carbs into my diet and by 2005 I had gained back about 30 lbs.

Then I quit smoking (on March 1, 2005) and decided it was too hard to try to watch my weight until I was a committed NON-smoker. make a long story short, the last 4 years have brought me to the point where I know if I don't do something now, I will never get it under control again.

I did manage to cut out sugar and bread for all of March, but I find myself slipping again and having things I shouldn't, because I lost about 2 lbs in the entire month! I have a machine that I use about 3 times a day to get my heart rate up, but what I really need to do is walk, walk, walk!

By the way....the woman in this cartoon is NOT MINNIE!'s one of her friends. No one, not even myself, have ever seen Minnie's face

Since I don't have the self-discipline to do it right, I've decided to sign up for a ZUMBA class. They actually have them for us older gals who may not have done anything strenuous for quite awhile! That's me!! I'm going to blame it on all of you because for 10 years I've been sitting at this computer working on the website and trying to get you all laughing!

The other thing I'm going to try is NutriSystem. Those ads on TV and seeing Marie Osmond looking SO good now has inspired me to give it another try! My son and DIL both lost weight on it and honestly, the pictures of the food (read "ice cream sandwich") has finally gotten to me! :)

If any of you have tried this or any other program, (my final effort will be Weight Watchers) let me know by posting. Everyone is different and I know it's my own fault for letting things slide the last 4 years, but as always, hearing about someone else close to my age who turned it around will inspire me!!

A few years ago I said I was going to be super healthy when I turned 60...hmmm, I'm not there yet! Ihave psoriasis, sleep apnea and psoriatic arthritis, plus I'm overweight and totally out of hormones so I have quite a challenge in front of me to be "the best me I can be"!! But, as I said, I'm not ready to give up. The women in my family live to their mid-nineties so I don't want to be sitting around for the next 30 years and not be able to enjoy it! Wish me luck and give me some encouragement!