Monday, May 10, 2010
Turn back the middle-age clock!
By Richard Alleyne
The Telegraph
September 22, 2009
Exercising for one hour a day for 12 weeks is enough to turn the clock back
nearly two decades for middle-aged women, scientists have found.
Research shows that over-50s who make regular visits to the gym, go for a
long bike ride or enjoy a swim can regain the fitness they had in their
Tests on older women revealed that 12 weeks of exercise was enough to
produce the rejuvenation.
Two studies by scientists at the University of California found that
postmenopausal women can achieve the same health benefits from regular,
vigorous exercise as younger women².
Professor George Brooks, an exercise physiologist, said: There is some good
news here for older women in the population, in that they respond much like
younger women do to training.
The women in our study had the cardiovascular and metabolic capabilities of
women sixteen years younger.
The results are very encouraging for exercise without weight loss as an
effective means for increasing vigour and controlling risk factors for
chronic diseases in older women.
The findings could explain why some high profile exercise fanatics appear
continue to look so healthy as they get older.
Madonna still works out at 51, television presenter Anne Robinson runs
regularly and does weight training at the age of 64, while Arlene Philips
has become a dance tsar at 66.
Dr Zinta Zarins, who carried out the experiments on women with an average
age of 55, found that the physical and hormonal changes which came with age
did not slow down their capacity to get fit.
She said: There have been very few studies looking at postmenopausal women,
who are different because of decreased oestrogen, decreased lean body mass
and decreased aerobic capacity.
Yet, despite changes in hormones and changes in body composition, they can
make significant changes in their cardiovascular fitness without going on
extreme diets.
Although the tests involved endurance training by cycling on an exercise
bike for an hour, five days a week, the researchers believed ³that even less
strenuous aerobic exercise was likely to produce some benefit².
The findings were published in the journal Metabolism and the Journal of
Applied Physiology.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me!
Yes, 62 years ago today I came into this world with a mission!! 62 years later, I'm still trying to figure out what my mission is!
I thought for awhile that maybe it was my creation of Minnie Pauz and being able to help so many women lighten their journey through you know what...but seriously, was that a mission or just an accident? Afterall, it didn't happen until I was 49, so what was the point of the previous 49 years?
I think of a mission as something you have planned for a long time and then you work towards a goal, knowing what the goal is--and then you accomplish the mission, right? My life hasn't got a lot to do with goals or planning, it's been mostly REACTING to circumstances that for a long time I thought were totally out of my control. That's truly one of the benefits of reaching this age....hindsight! NOW I can see that I was in control the entire time, just making stupid decisions.
So now, today, I'm going to set a new mission for approximately the next 30 years of my life. Considering it's the LAST 1/3 of my life I need to give it some thought and will post it later, but the first part of my mission I started 2 months ago when I started walking every continue getting healthier as I grow older! I finally understand what it means to say "It's never too late to....."
To prove that, I SKIPPED 10 steps this morning on my walk!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
It's never too late to start walking!
I'm a little late blogging about my walking, but's never to late. :)I've been walking for 35 days now (the last 10 I've been walking 1 mile) and I'm definitely seeing the benefit. My legs are much stronger, my breathing is easier and I've lost 6 lbs. I would have lost more, but thought I could lose without changing my eating....nope, didn't work. I was staying the same, but not losing anything!
In an effort to keep from getting bored (since I don't have anyone to walk with me), I started taking pictures and posting them on Facebook each day. That helped in two ways, it made my walks more interesting and I was excited to show the pictures and get the instant feedback from FB. :) Here's one of my favorites. This was on my 30th day and I put the camera on the sidewalk, set the timer and ran back for the picture. lol It turned out pretty neat! I was sooooo happy to celebrate that accomplishment! (You can see many more if you go to my Facebook page)
Now that I've got this finally on my blog, I will TRY to post every day....well, maybe once a week, to document my progress. In the meantime, here's some info about walking that may be of interest to you! Please post if you have any tips for walking or losing weight. I'm really working on losing belly fat!!! It just appeared during this past year!!
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Walking for 45 minutes a few times a
week may help women in the "battle of the bulge" that often accompanies menopause, and at thesame time improve overall well being, hints new research from Canada.
In an effort to keep from getting bored (since I don't have anyone to walk with me), I started taking pictures and posting them on Facebook each day. That helped in two ways, it made my walks more interesting and I was excited to show the pictures and get the instant feedback from FB. :) Here's one of my favorites. This was on my 30th day and I put the camera on the sidewalk, set the timer and ran back for the picture. lol It turned out pretty neat! I was sooooo happy to celebrate that accomplishment! (You can see many more if you go to my Facebook page)
Now that I've got this finally on my blog, I will TRY to post every day....well, maybe once a week, to document my progress. In the meantime, here's some info about walking that may be of interest to you! Please post if you have any tips for walking or losing weight. I'm really working on losing belly fat!!! It just appeared during this past year!!
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Walking for 45 minutes a few times a
week may help women in the "battle of the bulge" that often accompanies menopause, and at thesame time improve overall well being, hints new research from Canada.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The truth of marketing HRT....
I believe every woman should read this article and understand that this is STILL affecting our decisions (and I believe many doctors' decisions) about the use of HRT.
"Years ago, I spoke with a retired advertising executive of the Mad Men school, who confided that the key to a good pitch lay in the skillful manipulation of two emotions: fear and desire. Having just co-written a book on the cultural story of menstruation, I know that this has certainly been the case in the way hormone replacement therapy has been sold to women over the decades.
Estrogen was first synthetically isolated in 1929, but it took aggressive and often misleading claims to make HRT standard treatment for middle-aged and older women in America. The book that put Premarin, the pregnant-horse-urine-derived hormone drug, on the map was Feminine Forever, written by gynecologist Dr. Robert A. Wilson in 1966. The battered copy I read recently featured a dewy, 40-ish babe on the cover; and inside, Wilson used a potent mix of both fear and desire, promising women the moon while playing off their insecurities: "Instead of being condemned to witness the death of their own womanhood . . . they will remain fully feminine." "Women... shouldn't have to live as sexual neuters for half their lives. Many physicians simply refuse to recognize menopause for what it is--a serious, painful and often crippling disease."
Monday, March 08, 2010
Since March is my 5 year anniversary of quitting smoking (for 43 years) AND I did it while going through menopause, I feel I'm qualified to give Obama some advice:
1. Stop talking (and thinking) it's so hard to do! Having cancer or emphysema is a LOT harder than just not lighting up that cigarette.
2. Start thinking of yo...urself as a's a whole new world.
3. Being President is no excuse to continue doing something so stupid
4. Stop telling yourself lies such as "you enjoy it", "you need a cig to relax", etc.And finally...
5. Just say "I CAN!"
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Menopause and Sleep! Impossible?
One of the biggest issues we face before, during and after menopause is getting enough SLEEP! There's a different story for every woman and we really don't put enough importance on the effect all those sleepless nights are having on our lives. From peri-menopause to post-menopause, women report the most sleeping problems. Most notably, these are due to hot flashes, mood disorders, insomnia and sleep-disordered breathing. Sleep problems are often accompanied by depression and anxiety. In addition to the common sleep problems that we have throughout menopause, you could also have Sleep Apnea which can have devestating effects on your heart. I created this page to help tie in with the other symptoms.
Let's talk about how much sleep issues affect your daily life. I believe it's something that has been missing in all the talk about getting through menopause.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Life after Menopause?
Yes, there IS life after menopause, but I want to make it clear that it never goes back to what it was BEFORE menopause. That's why they call it the change and I think it's time that we get honest with each other, just like we did when talking about the onset of menopause.
I am working on a new section of the Minnie Pauz website that will help those of you who have "passed through" and now have different concerns and issues to discuss (or....laugh about). Yes, Minnie has crossed over to post-menopause. She is now ready to EMBRACE HER INNER OLD LADY!
So watch the door on my front page and soon it will open for those of you who can figure out the magic word! :) Once you're through it, you'll once again find a whole lot of women who are still experiencing some of the same things you are.
For now, here are a couple of things I want to recommend: For those of you having to make decisions about your parents' care.
Fruit Of The Loom Ladies Fit for Me Cotton Stretch Brief Panty OMG are they comfortable!! :)
Totes® Double Zip Boots (little late in the year, but they're great!)
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
February means so many different things to different people. For me it's always been the month of love, sweethearts and flowers. But now that I'm older (and single) it's still about hearts and love, but not paper hearts and not puppy love. Rather it's about self-love and taking care of ourselves, particularly our heart health.
Some of you are still quite young to be concerned about a heart attack, but you may have Moms or other family members who could be susceptible to heart problems so you may want to take a look at the links below and be aware of the many different signs that could indicate a heart attack in women.
We have all had to become more educated about health issues and sometimes it's frustrating trying to find answers for ourselves, so it's been a real blessing to have so many women share their experiences. This helps us all feel like we're not alone and not imagining things, which we all feel at one time or another. A recent email I received stated, "I'm afraid to go to a doctor because they make me feel ashamed and stupid." This is completely unacceptable and I hope that all the doctors reading this newsletter will make sure that none of your patients ever have reason to feel like this!
Have you had a heart attack?
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Menopause is not a disease....
It's a LIFESTYLE! And I've got the button (or the shirt) that says so! :) I came up with this because so many women have asked me "when is it OVER with?" Well, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but you'd better get used to being CHANGED because you will be, forever.
Yes, you do get past the hot flashes and the mood swings. At least most women do, but we never go back to the way we were before menopause. Too many things have changed because of the level of estrogen being depleted.
I was watching Oprah the other day when Rosie O'Donnell was the guest and they were saying, "Why hasn't anybody TOLD us about what to expect (with menopause)?" Jeez, site has been online for over 10 years, where have you been?
Yes, you do get past the hot flashes and the mood swings. At least most women do, but we never go back to the way we were before menopause. Too many things have changed because of the level of estrogen being depleted.
I was watching Oprah the other day when Rosie O'Donnell was the guest and they were saying, "Why hasn't anybody TOLD us about what to expect (with menopause)?" Jeez, site has been online for over 10 years, where have you been?
Friday, January 22, 2010
Canadian writer is sick and tired....
Sick and tired of everyone blaming menopause for everything! I have to admit that seriously, she's right on the money, but from a humorous perspective I kind of enjoy blaming everything on menopause--even though I've been through it for many years!
Here's an excerpt from her article with a link to the entire piece. I hope you'll come back here and discuss it.
Use your brain and stop blaming your hormones
By Naomi Lakritz, Calgary Herald
Here's an excerpt from her article with a link to the entire piece. I hope you'll come back here and discuss it.
Use your brain and stop blaming your hormones
By Naomi Lakritz, Calgary Herald
Thanks, Colleen Walsh. It's not that you've set feminism back at least to pre-Betty Friedan days by partly blaming your air rage incident on menopause. Rather, you've set all women back by making us look like ditzes who are ruled by our hormones rather than by our heads. Walsh is clearly a disciple of the Christiane Northrup Progesterone-Made-Me-Do-It School of Thought, but more on that later.
Walsh, a former Toronto television broadcaster, was convicted of assault this week for an air rage incident on an Air Canada flight last March from London to Toronto, which was diverted to St. John's, N.L., due to a medical emergency on board. The sordid little scenario involved Walsh slapping another passenger, hence the assault conviction, and being found guilty under the Aeronautics Act of not obeying the flight crew's instructions to take her seat. She was ordered to pay $2,460 in fines and to remove nasty comments from her blog that she'd posted about the passenger she slapped.
Walsh blamed her behaviour in part on menopausal exhaustion. She said she took a pill as part of her hormone replacement therapy and was supposed to take another one soon; she'd also drunk two glasses of wine with her on-board meal, had taken a sleeping pill, hadn't slept in 30 hours and was in panic.
I'm sorry, but menopause does not cause women to breach the Aeronautics Act. By the same token, neither does the Aeronautics Act, which is a pretty dry and straightforward law, as statutes go, have an inciting effect on estrogen or progesterone levels.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
More sex helps with menopause symptoms?
January 9, 2010
More sex is good for your health, studies have shown.
Now, a soon-to-be-published article in the Journal of Sexual Medicine details the health benefits, CNN reports.
The greatest benefits came from having more intercourse, rather than other types of sexual activity, Scottish researcher Stuart Brody said he found after reviewing decades of research.
Among the health benefits linked to frequent sex: longer life, a healthier heart, lower blood pressure, less risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer, pain relief, a slimmer build and fewer symptoms of menopause.
Uhhhhhh.....we need to talk about this. With so many women suffering with lack of sexual desire, how do you come to terms with this issue?
More sex is good for your health, studies have shown.
Now, a soon-to-be-published article in the Journal of Sexual Medicine details the health benefits, CNN reports.
The greatest benefits came from having more intercourse, rather than other types of sexual activity, Scottish researcher Stuart Brody said he found after reviewing decades of research.
Among the health benefits linked to frequent sex: longer life, a healthier heart, lower blood pressure, less risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer, pain relief, a slimmer build and fewer symptoms of menopause.
Uhhhhhh.....we need to talk about this. With so many women suffering with lack of sexual desire, how do you come to terms with this issue?
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
It's not always menopause....
There's a lot more going on than just getting a few years older and not having periods once you hit middle age. I decided to include information on heart attacks on my site and the following letter shows how this page is helping.
I just had to write you and tell you how important your website was to me. It probably saved my life. I am 46 yrs old, and felt like the pain that I was feeling in my back was just a pulled muscle or something. It would come and go, and my left arm would also just ache really bad. I figured that I had a pinched nerve also. I had read some other info online, but it didn't talk about the fact that in women, this feeling might come and go. That is exactly why I didn't take it seriously. After I woke up on New Years day, and vomited, I decided I better look into things a little more. I found your website, and read the messages that were written by women who had suffered heart attacks, it was so much like what I was experiencing, so my husband didn't even give me an option. He took me into the ER, and I find out that I had suffered a heart attack. One of my main arteries was 99% blocked, and they put in a stent. I just got home yesterday, and am still feeling weak today. But am certainly on the mend!! Thanks again to you and the wonderful women who shared their stories on your website!! It has made all the difference in the world for me!!
Lorita Haueter
Kennewick Wa
Please visit and share your story. It will help other women.
I just had to write you and tell you how important your website was to me. It probably saved my life. I am 46 yrs old, and felt like the pain that I was feeling in my back was just a pulled muscle or something. It would come and go, and my left arm would also just ache really bad. I figured that I had a pinched nerve also. I had read some other info online, but it didn't talk about the fact that in women, this feeling might come and go. That is exactly why I didn't take it seriously. After I woke up on New Years day, and vomited, I decided I better look into things a little more. I found your website, and read the messages that were written by women who had suffered heart attacks, it was so much like what I was experiencing, so my husband didn't even give me an option. He took me into the ER, and I find out that I had suffered a heart attack. One of my main arteries was 99% blocked, and they put in a stent. I just got home yesterday, and am still feeling weak today. But am certainly on the mend!! Thanks again to you and the wonderful women who shared their stories on your website!! It has made all the difference in the world for me!!
Lorita Haueter
Kennewick Wa
Please visit and share your story. It will help other women.
Monday, November 09, 2009
The Dreaded Facial Hair issue!!
What is one of your worst menopause issues? The one that is most frustrating to me now is CHIN HAIR!!! I use to just pluck them because they were easy to control that way. Then I realized I couldn't keep up with them so I started getting waxed at the beauty shop (sorry, but that's what it was called back in the day--don't know if it's something else now!). That gave me a nice smooth upper lip, as well as all three chins, but was somewhat painful and started getting expensive.
My latest effort involves Nair Moisturizing Face Cream. It's been working pretty good, but I've discovered a problem. One reason I've never considered shaving is because I'm pretty sure the hair comes back thicker and stronger, but I'm afraid the same thing may be happening with the Nair cream! When you put it on and wait 5 min. and wipe it off, all you're doing is "cutting" it off at the skin...just as you would do with a razor. I think the only solution is to get rid of the hair permanently with electrolysis! To find an Electrologist near you! Call and ask about their prices. I think you will find, as I did, that for a permanent solution to this hairy problem, it's not that much at all and well worth it!
I want to hear your "hair raising" stories and what solutions work for you! After all, we don't want to end up like Rapunzel do we?
chin hair,
early menopause,
facial hair,
unwanted hair,
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Have trouble sleeping because of menopause?
I believe this issue deserves more attention than it gets, not only during menopause, but throughout our lives. And it not only affects us women, but spouses and even young children. It not only affects your energy level but also your weight! Just read this: "....lack of sleep changes blood-sugar levels and metabolism. It also affects impulse control, and it's harder for people to pass on food they know they shouldn't be eating."
What are some of the reasons for lack of sleep or trouble sleeping during the menopausal transition? According to one website it could be any one or a combination of:
•hyperarousal - anxiety, stress
•hyperarousal - anxiety, stress
•poor pre bedtime and sleep habits
•underlying mood disorders
•sedative overuse
•general medical problems
•nighttime urinary frequency
Here are some of their tips on how to get a better night's sleep:
•Make sure bedroom noise is controlled and temperature is cool
•Make sure bedroom noise is controlled and temperature is cool
•have a fixed schedule to going to bed and getting up. Try not to vary it.
•avoid alcohol and exercise within 5-6 hours of bedtime and no caffeine after noon.
•do not look at the bedroom clock after you lie down in bed or if you get up at night
•eat a light snack containing protein, especially tryptophan, before bed. This would include milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, bananas, fish, and turkey.
•do not reflect upon the day's events or your "todo" list in the hour or two before bed But this could be anyone.
What is the connection to menopause? According to WebMD, a site I rely on a lot (but always compare info from at least 3 sites) "Approximately 75-85% of menopausal women experience hot flashes, which can last for five years. Hot flashes and sweating can make it difficult to sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, approximately 61% of menopausal women have sleep problems. Sleeping difficulties can lead to other problems, such as daytime drowsiness."
So what are some of the solutions for getting a good night's sleep? Here are a few recommendations:
Some Dr's recommend HRT, but there's a lot of confusion and controversy about what kind, how much and how long you should take it. Many women still use it and swear by it. It's truly a personal decision as are other solutions such as black cohosh. Dr. Andrew Weil says: "Black cohosh (Cimfugaa racemosa) can help relieve hot flashes and insomnia related to menopause." Some women use sleep aids because at some point you just can't keep going about your busy life with no sleep! It affects your relationships, your career and your overall health.
Some Dr's recommend HRT, but there's a lot of confusion and controversy about what kind, how much and how long you should take it. Many women still use it and swear by it. It's truly a personal decision as are other solutions such as black cohosh. Dr. Andrew Weil says: "Black cohosh (Cimfugaa racemosa) can help relieve hot flashes and insomnia related to menopause." Some women use sleep aids because at some point you just can't keep going about your busy life with no sleep! It affects your relationships, your career and your overall health.
There's also melatonin, which promotes sleep, as well as SleepyTime Tea with Valerian (another herb that helps you sleep). There are different kinds of wicking sleepwear and bedding to use, many kinds of cooling devices such as a fan that blows under your sheets and something to slide inside your pillowcase. The small battery fans are a big help, as well as a refreshing, cooling spray or a glass of ice water kept on your beside table . Everyone's key to a good night's sleep is different.
I found that using bedding that has the Outlast technology has really improved my "night heat" problem. Yes they are a Sponsor, but I was not paid to recommend their products. For me it really works. As a side note, nearly every type of "cooling bedding" you find on the market will be using the Outlast technology.
Let us know what works for you or if you have another solution!
Let us know what works for you or if you have another solution!
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Drugs for menopause
This is getting so out of control in my opinion, but for those of you who still have horrible hot flashes, I suppose it could be good news.
Seizure drug enhances sleep for women with hot flashes
Gabapentin, a drug initially used to treat seizures, improves sleep quality in menopausal women with hot flashes, University of Rochester Medical Center researchers report online and in the September issue of the Journal of Women's Health.
Approximately 40 percent of menopausal women experience sleep disruption, often in the form of difficulty with sleep initiation and frequent nighttime awakenings. The study is the first to show sustained benefits in sleep quality from gabapentin, which Rochester researchers already have demonstrated alleviates hot flashes.
"Gabapentin improves sleep quality but does not have the potential dependency problems of some other sleep medications and does not involve the use of hormone replacement therapy," said Michael E. Yurcheshen, M.D., assistant professor of Neurology and the lead author of the article.
"It has minimal side effects and it is a generic drug," said Yurcheshen, who is based at the Strong Sleep Disorders Center. "That makes it a very attractive treatment for these problems in this patient population."
For the current study, researchers used data from a previously published randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of gabapentin in 59 postmenopausal women who experienced seven to 20 hot flashes daily. The subjects took either 300 milligrams of gabapentin three times a day or a placebo.
The research used a factor analysis of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, a well-known and validated questionnaire, to evaluate sleep. The results showed overall improvement in the sleep quality score, even after 12 weeks of treatment.
Gabapentin's impact on the sleep quality factor in menopausal women may reflect improvement in hot flashes, stabilization of sleep architecture, or a decrease in the amount of time to transition from wakefulness to sleep, the researchers wrote. It is also possible that gabapentin improved sleep quality by addressing underlying sleep pathology, such as restless legs syndrome.
"We really are not sure which mechanism is responsible, but this study suggests that it does work to improve sleep quality," Yurcheshen said. Read the full article here
"We really are not sure which mechanism is responsible, but this study suggests that it does work to improve sleep quality," Yurcheshen said. Read the full article here
What are your feelings?
Thursday, September 03, 2009
September Musings & Summer Memories
We've had glorious weather in Michigan and even though Fall doesn't officially begin until the 22nd, I'm already getting "into the mood"! My thoughts are going to cider and cinnamon donuts and my eyes are searching the tops of the trees. Noticed the first colors on a couple of trees yesterday! I also keep an eye on several live cameras from the UP since they turn first. I'll never forget my trip up to Copper Harbor (5 years ago-I think) where I was fortunate enough to catch the tail-end of the fall colors! After that trip I was ready to MOVE up there, but alas, it was not to be. Here are just a couple of the (hundred) pictures I took up there:
This year I spent my summer going to the grandkids' soccer and baseball games.....
and watching the birds and other critters from my office window:
Since it's only the 3rd of September, I guess I don't really have many "musings" yet! LOL I really just wanted to get my posts started for this month. Everyone is getting ready (in the US for the Labor Day weekend. I plan on getting my Sept. newsletter ready to send on the 9th. If you're not on the list, sign up at
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Choosing natural supplements
It's getting very complicated out there when it comes to finding the right products for a variety of health issues from things as serious as depression to just cold medicines. For menopause supplements it's REALLY getting hard! There are HUNDREDS, if not thousands, of products that make claims from "help relieve symptoms" to "cure your menopause". Some really do help and everyone just has to experiment to find what works for them, but Ladies, there is NO CURE for menopause! That's one reason I came up with the phrase "Menopause is not a disease, it's a LIFESTYLE"™
Here's a good example. I've been taking St. John's Wort for many years, not on a daily basis, just when I noticed that I was feeling down too often. I usually felt kind of a lift of spirits within 3-4 days and would then stop taking it. You must be careful if you're taking other medications because SJW can interact with them! SJW interacts with many medications because one of the main active ingredients (Hyperforin) is a potent inducer of the P glycoprotein enzyme, which is involved in metabolizing about 50% of the drugs on the market. This leads to medicines being metabolized by the body more quickly, decreased serum levels of these medications and reduced efficacy."
Then I read this: "According to the research, only St. John's Wort extracts that are standardized to contain 3-5% hyperforin effectively relieve depression, so don’t settle for products that aren’t standardized for hyperforin or standardize only for another, less important compound called hypericin. Also, keep in mind that St. John's Wort usually requires at least three weeks to begin working, and may not produce its full effects for a month or two."
When I looked at my bottle of SJW, I saw that it is standardized for hypericin, not hyperforin. Here's more info to explain this: Not all St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) products are created equal. Unfortunately, most of the brands found on the shelves of your local vitamin shop or health food market will do nothing to help depression or anxiety. Why? Because few products sold in the United States contain a standardized amount of the active ingredient, hyperforin. (Carefully examine products that claim to be "standardized", because most standardize for only hypericin, an inactive ingredient!)
Recent research shows that only St. John's Wort extracts standardized to contain high concentrations of hyperforin relieve depression and anxiety. Extracts not containing significant levels of hyperforin, even when standardized for hypericin and manufactured using accepted methods, work no better than placebo. I've written to Sundown and hope they will respond with an explanation about why their SJW uses an inactive ingredient. I'm sure they will and I still trust their name as much as any of them (not saying how much that is though). I just bought a new product yesterday--Apple Cider Vinegar tablets--made by Sundown. I'll definitely post their response here when I get it.
Now I'm out on the search for OTHER products that need some research! You all can help me out here if you have found something that doesn't do what it's supposed to do or have the stuff it's supposed to have. Just make sure you back it up with your research, ok?
Here's a good example. I've been taking St. John's Wort for many years, not on a daily basis, just when I noticed that I was feeling down too often. I usually felt kind of a lift of spirits within 3-4 days and would then stop taking it. You must be careful if you're taking other medications because SJW can interact with them! SJW interacts with many medications because one of the main active ingredients (Hyperforin) is a potent inducer of the P glycoprotein enzyme, which is involved in metabolizing about 50% of the drugs on the market. This leads to medicines being metabolized by the body more quickly, decreased serum levels of these medications and reduced efficacy."
Then I read this: "According to the research, only St. John's Wort extracts that are standardized to contain 3-5% hyperforin effectively relieve depression, so don’t settle for products that aren’t standardized for hyperforin or standardize only for another, less important compound called hypericin. Also, keep in mind that St. John's Wort usually requires at least three weeks to begin working, and may not produce its full effects for a month or two."
When I looked at my bottle of SJW, I saw that it is standardized for hypericin, not hyperforin. Here's more info to explain this: Not all St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) products are created equal. Unfortunately, most of the brands found on the shelves of your local vitamin shop or health food market will do nothing to help depression or anxiety. Why? Because few products sold in the United States contain a standardized amount of the active ingredient, hyperforin. (Carefully examine products that claim to be "standardized", because most standardize for only hypericin, an inactive ingredient!)
Recent research shows that only St. John's Wort extracts standardized to contain high concentrations of hyperforin relieve depression and anxiety. Extracts not containing significant levels of hyperforin, even when standardized for hypericin and manufactured using accepted methods, work no better than placebo. I've written to Sundown and hope they will respond with an explanation about why their SJW uses an inactive ingredient. I'm sure they will and I still trust their name as much as any of them (not saying how much that is though). I just bought a new product yesterday--Apple Cider Vinegar tablets--made by Sundown. I'll definitely post their response here when I get it.
Now I'm out on the search for OTHER products that need some research! You all can help me out here if you have found something that doesn't do what it's supposed to do or have the stuff it's supposed to have. Just make sure you back it up with your research, ok?
Monday, August 03, 2009
Vitamin D recommendations
I'm finally hearing about something that is obviously SO important...Vitamin D! I've been on a search for the past 4½ years for something to help my skin because of psoriasis, so the issue of vit D has been on my radar for awhile now and I knew that the recommendations were way too low. I've been taking up to 4000 UI per day and today I heard a doctor on Good Morning America say "I recommend 1000 to 2000 international units of vitamin D supplements every day. It's cheap, there are no side effects or down sides. Although D3 is considered more potent and longer lasting, both D2 and D3 are acceptable."
I just had a full blood workup and checking for Vitamin D (which is really not a vitamin) was not even mentioned. Next time I will ASK for that...which is another frustration of mine...if WE know this information and there's so many reports about how people are so deficient in vit D, then why do we have to mention it to our doctors? Boggles the mind considering it's such an important element in our makeup.
Here's a response to the piece on Good Morning America:
5 Ways Vitamin D Could Save Your Life - ABC News: "I am Vitimin D deficient and just taking D3 was not being absorbed. I am now on a very high dose of D3 and having my blood checked to see if I am absorbing it. I was told that most of the D in food products and solid pill form was ineffective. Have your doctor order a blood test to see how much D you need. If you are going to take it, it makes sense to be taking the right amount and the correct type."
Here's a great article that explains all of this, like:
"The skin produces approximately 10,000 IU vitamin D in response 20–30 minutes summer sun exposure—50 times more than the US government's recommendation of 200 IU per day!"
Vitamin D Council | Understanding Vitamin D Cholecalciferol
So, how much did YOU know about Vitamin D?
I just had a full blood workup and checking for Vitamin D (which is really not a vitamin) was not even mentioned. Next time I will ASK for that...which is another frustration of mine...if WE know this information and there's so many reports about how people are so deficient in vit D, then why do we have to mention it to our doctors? Boggles the mind considering it's such an important element in our makeup.
Here's a response to the piece on Good Morning America:
5 Ways Vitamin D Could Save Your Life - ABC News: "I am Vitimin D deficient and just taking D3 was not being absorbed. I am now on a very high dose of D3 and having my blood checked to see if I am absorbing it. I was told that most of the D in food products and solid pill form was ineffective. Have your doctor order a blood test to see how much D you need. If you are going to take it, it makes sense to be taking the right amount and the correct type."
Here's a great article that explains all of this, like:
"The skin produces approximately 10,000 IU vitamin D in response 20–30 minutes summer sun exposure—50 times more than the US government's recommendation of 200 IU per day!"
Vitamin D Council | Understanding Vitamin D Cholecalciferol
So, how much did YOU know about Vitamin D?
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Am I still middle aged?
Sometimes when we're not paying attention, we slip through one age group to another and I'm really trying to be REAL about where I am. LOL! The last time I was truly certain about what group I belonged in was when I was a teenager! That is clearly defined, but after that we're usually described by our decade--20's, 30's, 40's--then it starts getting sticky!
I guess we'll have to blame it on AARP. They are to blame for all the angst that comes sometime during your 49th year. Afterall, it's a magazine for RETIRED people for cripes sake! How many of you will retire (or have retired) at age 50? Here's my guess--0. Even the people who can AFFORD to retire at that age, don't. That's not what babyboomers do. So many that I know just create an entirely new career. Even I STARTED my business, Minnie Pauz Enterprises, at age 49 so I'm certainly not retired.
Which brings me back to my question. I accepted the fact that I was middle aged at 50because it's the "middle" of almost everything...the football field, the speedometer and the number 100. But, now that I'm 11 years past that mid-mark, I'm getting concerned. Am I falling into the OMG, SENIOR category???? To most in their 20's, 30's and 40's, yes I'm most definitely a senior citizen. To those in their 50's, I think they would be a little more kind considering they're starting to see the short time span between 50 and 60. I'm sure they would consider me still in the middle aged group, right?
Considering the fact that I now am only 9 years (a blink of my bespeckled eyes) away from OMG, 70, I am going to say that I would say that middle age covers from 45 through 65. After all, we DO want to take advantage of all the Senior Citizen Discounts, right? (You know, dicount wheelchairs, life insurance, LOL).
So I guess that gives me another 4 years to call myself middle aged instead of a senior! Whew!!
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