I know many of you have wondered why in the world "Minnie Pauz" didn't have a blog, only that ancient
message board. Well, now it's here and you have an opportunity to comment on each and every topic that "Minnie" writes about!
She will try to remember to post each day and leave a "photo" of herself to show how she gets through this time of life called menopause, and everything leading up to it! First of all, in case you haven't seen them yet,
here is a list of 35 menopause symptoms that help us realize that we
ARE experiencing something

Do you know who "Minnie Pauz" is? She's a woman, much like you if you are a woman with hormones, if you are a babyboomer, if you are single, married or divorced, quite simply, she's "everywoman". She is a little bit (or a lot) of all of us, depending on how you see her. She's gotten a lot of
attention for the past 9 years and she's beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed with the exposure she's getting. She's not a doctor or an expert on menopause, but she gets
letters that ask about medical issues all the time. That's when she sends people to
Dr. Judy Paley, who is a real doctor and has been gracious enough to answer questions on the
message board. "Minnie" is very happy to respond to questions about
weight gain and chocolate!
The main thing that "Minnie Pauz" (a registered trademark, by the way) brings to the table is a sense of humor about the whole subject of aging, feeling like the fun has gone out of our lives and all this changing that is inevitable. We've GOT to laugh about it or we're doomed to feeling miserable for the next 30 to 40 years! Hey, that's a lot of time to
do things we always wanted to do and still time to take care of ourselves and have
And now as promised, a photo of "Minnie" to prove even further that she's definitely someone with the same problems as most of us:

She only likes to be photographed from the back because she's feels that is her best "asset" and she's not so proud of her double chins and those dark hairs that keep popping out on her chin(s) and upper lip!
Today she's trying to get some exercise in before it gets too hot outside, but this one is one of the hardest because her underarms start flapping so fast that she can't keep her balance! It's also a good excuse to stop!
In case you're wondering who is doing the typing here, check out my
When "Minnie" actually has something to say, I'll put it in bold print (and a color) so you won't get us confused. :) She's the one who comes up with the clever statements like,
"Menopausal women are hotter!" She has plenty of those quotes on
tshirts and coffee mugs for you!
We hope you will take the time to comment on our new spot. Let us know what you think, ok?