Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

Saturday, July 08, 2023

Just Me, Myself and I...

 That's who reads this blog...or if anyone reads it, they don't leave comments. :( It's my own fault of course, since I am so irregular with my posts, but after this many years I will just keep on posting when the spirit hits me! I have invited members of my pages to come here, but I'm still cautious...don't know why I don't want certain people to read it.

So! Here we are in July and my last post was March!! I actually have to go back to my photos on the computer to remember what I was doing in the months since then! I keep all my photos in folders named by year and month...then I make folders for individual people or topics. I can get lost for hours once I start looking through my photos!

Here's something that made me smile just now when I realized I hadn't changed my wall calendar to July. Last Christmas I made calendars of some of my best photos to give as gifts and of course kept one for myself. I didn't realize that July's image was my ALL TIME favorite, as you can see here. :) I took that in 2012 on a nature trail that I walked every day and have a framed copy on my desk.

I really miss being able to walk on that trail, but I'm so fortunate that 11 yrs later I have a lovely place to walk just out the back door of my apartment building. I am not able to walk every day (depends on my arthritis), but when I do I am still able to enjoy nature. There's a creek, trees, ducks and geese (babies too) and a wooden bridge to cross over. This is where I get beautiful photos like this: 

It's also nice because I meet other nice people who are walking their dogs or their babies. 

Actually, it is the anticipation of what kind of photos I might get that keeps me heading out for a walk, which is so important at my age! Great motivation!

I've got two new paintings to do and just finished this one of a pet that has crossed over the bridge and have been commissioned to do another dog and a people portrait! I'm very comfortable now doing pets, but still quite anxious about humans!

So I will try once again to entice some viewers to my blog and hope to see some comments this month! :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Still falling behind...

 But at least I'm not falling!! Oh wait...I DID fall! Story and photos to follow!

Well, here we are nearly at the end of August! I completely misplaced case you didn't notice, I posted in June! :) I have an was FREAKING HOT out there! I hope no members here have had any heat related mishaps. I also hope you've not experienced Covid or MonkeyPox! Please check in and let me know you're all doing ok. If you're not we can offer some prayers, cards, virtual hugs, etc.

Ok, so I guess I should tell you about my fall. First let me say that I am SO lucky I didn't break anything. I could possibly have a few fractures, based on the pain I'm still experiencing in a few places, but I didn't go to a doctor at the time. I may ask for a few xrays if I continue to have problems. Strangely enough, it would be my left hand, my right knee and right shoulder. Kind of odd, but so was the fall...

I was out for a morning walk along the creek near my apartment and was looking for the newest baby ducks. I had my cellphone in my left hand (with one of those pop-socket buttons on the back) this: 

I can't remember exactly what I did with that hand, but those two fingers are very sore and it's hard to hold things for very long in that hand. For instance, my coffee cup or a shopping bag. Could be just the ligaments or something, but thank goodness my phone didn't break! 

Unfortunately, I can't say the same for my beloved camera! It was hanging around my neck and when I fell, the lens part hit the deck and now the lens will not zoom out. The 30x zoom was why I wanted this camera and it was a birthday gift from my son and his family. I'm really bummed about it. I do have an old Sony camera that I've been using, but it just doesn't do the job I want! :(

The reason I fell was because I was paying more attention to finding the ducks than on the dragon sculpture behind me. I will post the pictures (of course!) taken immediately after....with my cellphone. I was very lucky that 3 firemen saw that I didn't get up right away and came to help. 

Ok, so to explain the photos, which are a little mixed up...the first one is the location where "IT" happened. I took the picture from a bridge that goes over the creek (where I always see the ducks). The grey building is the Art Center and the building with the two garage doors is the firehouse. The deck (in the 2nd pic is the home of the evil dragon that tripped me) is just to the right of the grey building.

These are the firemen after they made sure I was ok.

These are my I said, thank GOD I didn't break anything

One photo I'm not posting here is the huge bruise on my right hip. Also the injury to my right shoulder was not visible, but 1 1/2 mo. later I can finally raise my arm over my head. 

Jeez....all that just to get MORE pics of baby ducks! But, as you can see below, it was well worth it! :) 

So that was why I didn't post a blog in June! Good excuse, huh? 

Oh, and the crooked pinky is from arthritis, not a fall.

I will leave you with this picture of the precious ducks and will try again to post more often.