Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Don't squeeze the Charmin!!

Besides the clear message this cartoons sends about severe mood swings, I'd like your opinion on something else. Is it plain to see that 'Minnie' is in a grocery store? I drew this one several years ago and actually there was more detail (like a sign that says welcome to joe's market....or something like that). But when I needed to crop the size I cut out the sign and the cash register to the left.

Ok, second you think it's funny? Usually if you have to ask, it isn't. Or if you have to explain the joke, it isn't. Personally, I think it is pretty clever. hahahaha.....but no one likes to laugh at their own jokes alone! :)

We had a severe storm front move through Michigan last night....about 11 pm the lights went out and the temperature plummeted to 20 or something. The wind blew hard and it rained hard, but the most incredible sight was the lightening. Weird, it was green!

Anyway, I called and reported it to the electric company at 3am because I was afraid no one else on the street did and because I was getting a bit worried since the furnace would not come on without electricity and it was starting to get cold. It was all automated, even the thank you for reporting this outage and I finally fell asleep wondering if I was going to have to go to my daughter's house today. Then at 6am my fan came on! Oh yes, I still use a fan every single night.... I was thrilled!

I came to my office and started the computer....everything went fine, as you can see. Then I turned on the tv in my office and all I get is a blue screen. :( I have satellite so I unplugged everything, turned it on and off, switched boxes, switched cards and nothing but a blue screen. Frustrating because now I know I'll have to go through the process of speaking with someone from India named "Bubba" and just hope his level of English is understandable. Didn't want this crap today and when I go out later to the store, maybe I'd better stay away from the toilet paper aisle!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Time alone is so valuable....

but you don't realize it until you haven't had any time alone for a long time. People (neighbors and family) "worry" when I don't come out of the house for a few days. They tell me it's "not healthy". Hmmmm......I think I'm actually healthier.

1. I'm not out getting contaminated by everyone who is sick, but still goes to the grocery store or the gas station, leaving their germs all over the shopping carts, the gas pump and the air.

2. I'm not having an anxiety attack like I do once out in traffic or crowded stores. It's not REAL bad, just enough to make me quit what I'm doing and go home.

3. I'm saving money.....especially when I don't have it. It's easier to do without (junkfood, etc) than to face going out in the traffic.

When my son was living here all of last year, I hardly ever had a full 24 hours to myself. Now that he's not here I still kind of feel like I'm not alone sometimes. hahahaha.....then I feel selfish if one or two of the grandkids want to spend the night. I kind of pout (to myself) about having to share the ice cream or mainly, the tv! :) But I fight the urge to say no and allow them to control the remote all night. I just keep telling myself, they'll be gone tomorrow and it's all MINE!!

Time alone can be lonely too, but not so much since computers have become such an integral part of my life. I actually can't think of a time when I've felt lonely for the last several years.

The thing that gets worse the longer I'm alone? Procrastination!! When I don't have anyone to answer to or anyone who sees how much time I actually spend on the computer or sleeping, oh boy, do I overdo both!!

What do they mean I don't get out? Look at me here!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Quit Smoking, ok?

Did you see the Oprah show yesterday? She had Dr. Oz talking about smoking, plus the whole audience was smokers and there's a plan on her site to help people quit. This should really help a lot of people because she can put the best info and reach the most people in one spot. I'm very pleased to announce that March 1 will be my 3rd year of not smoking!

Here's something interesting too....I have mentioned many times that smoking can bring on early menopause (mine at 41), so it's not news that all the chemicals in cigarettes can affect our hormones. That makes me think that quitting might make peri-menopause easier. There hasn't been any formal studies (that I know about) comparing peri with smokers vs with non-smokers. That could be very interesting.

Then I came across some information about how the FDA does nothing to regulate the tobacco industry. This is right after the latest report about the FDA saying that the hormone estriol is not approved by them for use in hormone replacement. This is ridiculous! Just another one of those crazy facts that rule our daily lives. I found the info on a site I support that is trying to keep our kids smoke free. I really think that getting involved with a group like this might help those of you who need a "bigger purpose" than just saving your own lives. I know, it sounds crazy, but while we're smokers, we ARE crazy!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Black Monday?

How are YOUR finances? Mine have been pretty poor up to now, but not because I shopped myself into debt for Christmas. In fact, I paid cash for every present. I do that every year. So how did I end up over $16,000 in debt? Taxes! (and $3,400 in dental--no insurance). Over $11,000 is taxes. Whew! Then when business slows down (like the economy has been doing most of 2007), it makes it tough to just meet minimum obligations each month.

This causes stress and stress causes so many health problems!! And, if you don't have health insurance like me, that causes more stress and before you know it, you're unable to motivate yourself to sell, or create or just enjoy an afternoon with your grandchildren! What's that lead to? Depression, of course, and a vicious circle that becomes known as "my normal life".

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

FDA is overstepping responsibility.

At least in my opinion! For them to come down on compounding pharmacies, when they've been doing what they do for hundreds of years, is ridiculous! Now women who are taking "bioidentical" hormones will have to worry if they will not be able to get their prescriptions filled. Where is the power of the FDA going to end?

I hate to actually get in the middle of this, but it's pretty clear that the FDA has buckled under the pressure of Wyeth and their power to cause this kind of scrutiny over something that has been used without incident for years and years. Of course that's what they (the FDA) did when they allowed Premarin to be used for 20 years and then we found out it was causing more trouble than it was helping. When Premarin was taken off the shelves, the breast cancer numbers were reduced dramatically.

Here's what I wish would happen. Wyeth needs to talk directly to women about what happened and what changes have been made. They need to show women that they DO care about their health and that Wyeth is creating products that will help many women in the coming years. (They really should hire someone like "Minnie Pauz" to help smooth the road ahead)

Anyway, here's the link to the FDA report and there's more here, including comments from some prominent people and an audio from the FDA. In the meantime, I'm using cartoons to express myself on the topic.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

OOps....missed a few days!

Or maybe it was just one? Actually, I didn't look to see the date of my last post. I've kind of been hoping to get some people stopping by from my message board since I changed my signature to show this blog....they could be coming here and reading but leaving without typing a message. If that's the case, then I must be pretty boring!

Oh well, I'm just getting up to speed after the holidays. Have to go to my daughter's tomorrow at 6 am so she can leave for work and then I get my granddaughter up at 7:30 to eat, get dressed and catch the schoolbus at 8:25. I've been sleeping in for over two weeks now so it's going to be rough to get used to getting up early again.

Been playing online all day instead of working on my newsletter, but I love this site: It's like a myspace for the over 50 crowd! Check it out and report back, ok? :)

My picture for today is one my daughter (same one as above) took while they were in Florida! Thought this would warm you up if you're in a cold climate!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

Today is my oldest son's 40th birthday. Seems impossible, but 40 years ago today I was a 19 yr. old army wife, stationed in Naples, Italy and had my first child in the Naval hospital there. Unfortunately, my husband (ex now) was already in the hospital with hepatitis from eating fresh clams from the Bay of Naples. I was quite the brave girl to handle all this in a foreign country with no relatives to help out. :)

So here was my first born then:

and here he is now (with his lovely wife):

Now I'd also like to wish all of you who have birthdays in January a very wonderful day, no matter how old or young you are!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New beginnings!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Talk about a FRESH start! Look at what I woke up to this morning! I've already been out shoveling and it's somewhat invigorating once you get all bundled up and get out there!

I live in a mobile home park so all the neighbors were outside helping everyone dig their cars out after management plowed down the middle of the street. That makes it twice as hard to get our cars moved--well, it's basically a pain in the butt! The main reason is that this park used to be only two streets and everyone (including me) has two parking spaces to park, on the street. Then a few years ago a new owner expanded the park and now there's all doublewide homes and each one has a driveway for two cars--off the street. But those of us who live in the old part have to shuffle our cars around so they can come and plow the street. What a crazy dance, but like I said, it brings all the neighbors out and makes you want to have hot chocolate!

So the new year starts with a snowstorm.....or did the old year go out with a bang? However you look at it, it's a defining point. I can't say 2007 was the best year. I don't feel like I accomplished much. It was like an uphill battle all the way and nothing was finished. I've still got my son living here, I'm still in a battle with my dentist about my dentures, I'm still not where I want to be with my business.....guess I'll have to set some new goals and see what I can get done in 2008.

One thing I'm going to tackle (again) this year is getting organized and getting rid of clutter! I did it a few years ago with my friend, Pat's help. It's not quite as bad as it was back then, but I'm definitely feeling overwhelmed with clutter! For now that's the only commitment I'm going to make for the new year.