Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Saying goodbye...

I want to send prayers and good wishes to everyone affected by Hurricane Sandy! So many tragic stories and loss of life from Mother Nature's fury! It will take a long time to get back to normal so whatever we can do individually will help in the long run. I've read that the best contributions are money and blood. I would suggest donations of either go to the Red Cross where they are able to manage it best in times like this and you can be sure your donations will go to the right place.

Visiting the Tx kids Jan 2012
My next request will be for your prayers for my move to Texas at the end of November! After 16 1/2 years here in Michigan watching my 3 oldest Grandkids grow into beautiful teenagers, I feel the need to live closer to my youngest Grandkids and give them some memories of having family nearby. 

The older ones all spent nights at Grandma's and I was at most of their baseball games, soccer, volleyball and wrestling matches, which sometimes made for some hectic weekends trying to make it to all the games! The younger ones (Claudia 10, Kaz 7, Jude 6) have been living in TX for almost 5 1/2 years with only visits from relatives, so I decided to make the move! 

Heading out for Tye's b-ball game
I'm really going to miss my "big kids", (Tye 17, Bailey 14, Zach 13) but I hope to make it back to Michigan for the important milestones like Tye's High School graduation in May! Thank goodness I have photos of all the good times we've had over the past 16 years! 

Thank goodness for Facebook and Skype! I've been able to stay in close touch with TX this way and now will do the same with MI. I've got pictures of each of the older kids learning to use the computer at my house and now they are way more advanced than I am! I will also look forward to visits from them in the future!

Bailey--1st Homecoming Dance
I'm also going to miss my daughter and son-in-law (who got married this past April) and my middle son (father to the two handsome boys above)! I'll be missing my friends I've made in Michigan too, but again, the computer will keep us connected as it has helped me re-connect with even MORE friends from so many years ago!

It's kind of overwhelming to pick up and move at my age (64), but most of my life was spent moving from place to place and country to country, so I know I will adjust after it's all over with! You can get really comfortable with all your memories (and junk) around you after 16 years and it gets harder to just "pick up and go" like I used to! 

The apartment I want is not available yet, so I will be living with my Son and Daughter-in-law for a few months. After living alone for ....hmmmm....sooooo long, that will also be something to adjust to. I just read an article in the AARP Bulletin about a parent moving in with their adult child and it had some good tips for discussing certain things from the beginning (like not getting involved or interfering with the way they run their family or finances).

Couldn't have been closer to nature on the trail!
 I'll be making new friends and finding   new places to walk and take photos. Hope to find some avid bird watchers too! :) I will miss my Pollyann Trail here in MI, where I've walked daily for over two years. Nothing like having the beauty of nature and wildlife right across the street, but I look at it as another blessing I've had in my life! I've so enjoyed sharing the photos with everyone and have been inspired by the comments and praise.

 Discovering that trail did more for me than just providing the wonderful photo opportunities though. When I found out I had diabetes, I made up my mind that I was going to walk every day rain or shine to help myself lose weight and keep my blood sugar down. I don't know if I could have kept it up for 2½ yrs. if I hadn't had such a convenient, gorgeous place to walk I don't know if I would have gotten out there every day (eventually 2 times a day)! 

I'm just hoping I can maintain my very healthy habit of walking even if I have to drive to a place to walk. I've been researching a few places and have found that Bear Creek Park is only a few miles from where I'll be living, so now I'm looking forward to sharing new scenes with all of you.

Of course it's great that my business is online so I can take it anywhere without much disruption! That has been another blessing in my life. I started Minnie Pauz over 18 yrs. ago and she has been not only a source of income, but a way to express my feelings and to help other women laugh their way through a very trying time in life. And now I'm hoping to do the same with all the baby boomers who are past all the menopause stuff and on to bigger and OLDER problems! LOL! I am working on developing a site for the "After Pauz" bunch, but for now I have this page for you.

I would love to hear comments and advice from any of you who have gone through a "restart" at this stage in life! I thank you all for your support so far and hope to hear from you as I make my way from wintery Michigan to not so wintery Texas! :) Love, Dee

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

(from my newsletter this month)

In case you're wondering which Minnie Pauz cartoons are the most popular, this seems to be one of them! It's the most "Liked" and most "Shared" on Facebook this week.  I'm pretty sure it's because it's so relatable to almost all of us. One of the most common symptoms of peri-menopause, menopause and post-menopause is that we feel like we've lost (or are losing) our minds. Nothing seems to work like it used to and everything seems out of place. We can't find things and that's because we put things in strange places and when things are not where we've always found them....we feel like we're going crazy! Of course that brings to mind this cartoon (another very popular one).

 I'm wondering if YOUR favorite cartoon has a lot to do with which symptom has given you the most trouble? I've had women tell me that being able to have a good laugh about something they relate to has helped them get through it easier, but I've also had a FEW women that must have been suffering so terribly that they could find nothing funny in any of the cartoons. I think it has something to do with how each of us handle ANY problems in life and, for me personally, humor is my "bridge over troubled waters".

Is there something that helps you get through the rough times other than humor? I'd love to hear from you on this subject!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Middle-aged/Senior Gardening?

I've always WANTED to have a garden, but never wanted to do the work! Or if I was in the mood to do the work, I was living someplace where I couldn't put in a garden. I remember being impressed at my sister's garden many years ago when I visited her farm in IL. and it's always been one of those little nagging "bucket list" things (like learning to play the piano) that, at 64, I'm wondering if I'll ever do.

I still don't live in a place where I could put a traditional garden. The most I've been able to accomplish is buying a potted lily and digging a hole to put it in. My daughter helped me plant a Peony bush several years ago and I've managed to keep it alive. This year the weather was very weird--warm very early, then a hard frost after things were blooming--so it wasn't as great as last year. I still enjoyed the wonderful fragrance that only a Peony can give (just my opinion). I favor it over roses and even the lovely carnations that always take me back (mentally) to my first dance and corsage! Since this was the year of the Puny Peony in MY yard, I took a photo of someone else's beautiful specimen! I'm sure they wouldn't mind since I'm not providing any identifying information with it! LOL....this is why I always carry my camera! The one on the left was mine in 2011 and the one on the right is the way I WISH mine looked this year!

So...I've actually got a point that relates to the title of this blog...I have come across something that I think would be great for us older gardeners, well really ANY age, but especially anyone with bad knees or a bad back. It's called straw bale gardening and you could literally have a garden on a balcony or a deck with just a bale of straw, a little bit of potting soil and some seeds. I've found a very good site for beginners and experts to ask questions and share information and I think you'll find it as interesting as I have. The first part is reading but there are pages and pages of photos showing you all kinds of techniques and tips. I love the idea of not having to dig or weed or get down on the ground (sometimes it's hard to get back up!!). And it's just so NEAT looking! So let me know what you think and if you're a gardener at heart, like me or a REAL gardener!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Middle-aged or Senior?

It's another hot one today and at this point, I'm glad I'm in Michigan instead of my home state of Missouri or any of the other states where this heat wave is causing all the crops to burn up! It's only supposed to reach 97° in my area today. I can definitely tell the difference in how the heat affects me these days....I don't tolerate it well at all. I literally start swelling up like a blowfish as soon as the temperature creeps up to about 80° and it's already 89° at 11:50 am. 

I walked at 7:00 am today to make sure I got it done before the sun started beating down. Also went to the store to make sure I had a bag of ice and some nuts to snack on. 

I remember when I never even thought of seeing what the forecast was going to be and now I do it every day! With the internet, I can see what the weather is like anywhere in the world! Isn't that exciting? All of a sudden, in my head, I hear the phrase "all old people talk about is the weather and their aches and pains"! Uh oh....this is 3 paragraphs long and all I've talked about is the temperature, and I haven't even started on my aches and pains! LOL! 

The worst part is going to be going out in the heat to watch my Grandson's baseball game this evening! His team is in first place and I thoroughly enjoy watching him play. He pitches and catches and can play any position on the field! I'll definitely be taking an umbrella to block the sun. Thank goodness things will be cooling off by the weekend when they will be playing the league tournament...that could mean at least 3 games!

So, to answer my own question in the title of this blog, I think it's happened! I think I've ever so slightly creeped out of the middle-aged category and into the....wait for, I can't say it! Ok, let's do it this way.... I'm a baby-boomer, right? How about we call this the "Boomier" years (pronounced like junior)?  Oh yeah, I like that!! What are your thoughts?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Can walking solve all your problems?

Probably not, but this activity has a LOT to offer! For a 64 yr. old woman who's been walking nearly every day for 2½ years, I've got the tightest buns you could ask for! LOL! Of course, I was blessed with beautiful bum genes to begin with, but with everything else falling, dropping, collapsing and hanging, I am happy to announce that walking has given me buns of, well if not steel at least semi-hard rubber? A mostly inflated basketball? You be the judge! LOL! 

As for the other benefits of my daily walks they are: 

Physical....I don't know how I lived so many years without walking, but even though I was very sedentary and very overweight, I could not get myself out there on a regular basis. And when I did, it was maybe 10 minutes because my back hurt so much and I was out of breath very quickly. I was in the process of trying to get in the habit of walking every day when I found out I had diabetes. I didn't need any further motivation. 

At that point I was going to walk! As most of you who follow this blog know, I lost 53 lbs in less than a year and walking (along with eating a low carb diet) has become a daily habit. I was scared NOT to walk after reading up on diabetes, so I used the time to work my stomach muscles and clench my butt muscles with each step. Eventually, I could actually see and feel an improvement.

Other physical benefits have been to help with my arthritis and increasing my bone density, improving my breathing, lowering my blood pressure and by losing weight, my knees don't hurt anymore!

Emotionally.....When I reached day 30 of walking, I can't tell you how proud I was of myself! I almost couldn't believe it and by that day I was walking a whole MILE! Remember, I was 61 yrs old when I finally started doing something for my health.  I felt shameful during the years before when I KNEW I had to do something, but couldn't stick to any kind of routine or get out of my rut. It sounds crazy, but getting diabetes probably saved my life.

I can start out in the morning in a very poor mood, even feeling depressed, and once I've got my walking shoes on and I'm out the door, I feel better about myself and about the world we live in! I've read that..... "Walking 30 minutes a day boosted the moods in depressed patients faster than antidepressants research by the British Journal of Sports Medicine found. Walking releases endorphins increasing your mood and decreasing pain."

Spiritual.... there's something about nature that calms me and reassures me that I'm not all alone with my problems. Even if you don't have a beautiful place to walk (like I do),
 there's still the beauty of the sky, the trees, even the air around you can bring on a feeling of peace and serenity. That's how I felt in CA the few times I was there and I've never forgotten it.

Fortunately, I live right across the street from a nature trail so I've been able to see and hear a variety of wildlife on my walks. The anticipation of getting a glimpse of any of God's creatures has given me the motivation to get out there very early in the mornings when it is especially quiet and peaceful. Perfect time to pray and I've done plenty of that in the last 2 years.

Social..... I had become a bit of a recluse in the past 18 years. Not a TRUE recluse, but just not getting out to meet new people. I've spent all my time working on the computer and going to my grandkids' sports events, so with all the people who also use the trail for exercise and enjoyment, I've been forced to be a bit more social! I would say it has brought me out of my shell and it's nice to get to know people by name, stop and chat a little and pet their dogs. :)  

So I guess I wouldn't expect for walking to solve all my problems, but it sure gives me plenty of reasons to keep on doing it! And the #1 reason I will keep on doing it? Taking pictures! :)  AND to keep my butt in shape!

Other resources for walking:

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Are supplements safe?

Is anyone else confused about all the different "natural" supplements we are prodded to take as we try to eliminate taking drugs for every ailment under the sun? I started out by saying, "wow, I have to try that! and that....and that, etc." Then you start hearing that the supplements you bought "may not have all the benefits you had hoped for" due to many brands that don't use the part of the plant that has the helpful ingredients. Huh? Now we have to become detectives, scientists and naturopaths to just be as healthy as possible?

Even Dr. Oz's recommendations have become confusing. He gives SO many solutions for our health problems, that it's hard to keep track of what helps and what we need to avoid. My head is usually swimming by the end of his show! LOL! I do give him credit for bringing experts (ie: Dr. Mercola and Dr. Weil) with different viewpoints on to the show and having open discussions about controversial topics.

What are the most common natural supplements for menopause? According to WebMD they are the following (with a brief description of what to take them for and any cautions* you should observe: 
  • Black Cohosh
  • Flaxseed
  • Calcium
  • Red Clover
  • Vitamin D
  • Wild Yam
  • Ginseng
  • St. John's Wort
  • DHEA
  • Dong Quai
  • Soy
******Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about any supplements you take. Remember: All supplements have potential side effects.
Supplements and herbs may interact with some medicines you take. They could boost or negate a medicine's effect. Or the interaction could cause other problems. Some herbs can cause allergic reactions.

Take a look at this page from the Office of Dietary Supplements for some very good general information

Monday, February 20, 2012

Put menopausal women back on medication!!

Jeez, I wonder what industry is behind THIS? 

"DENVER, Colo. – Memory lapses and changes in mental functions occur naturally as we get older. But for many women going through menopause, these memory lapses occur more frequently.
A recent report offers hope for women suffering with these symptoms. In a study published in Menopause, Feb. 2011, researchers at University of Pennsylvania found that atomoxetine (brand name Strattera), a medication for attention deficit disorder, may restore organizational skills and reduce memory difficulties in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women."

Now that so many women have chosen to go through menopause naturally (or on compounded hormone therapy), the drug companies have to find a way to get us hooked again like before the WHI study. A survey shows 58% of women stopped taking HRT after the results of a major trial were published in 2002.

This sounds like an afterthought to me....

Strattera was originally intended to be a new antidepressant drug; however, in clinical trials, no such benefits could be proven. Since norepinephrine is believed to play a role in ADHD, Strattera was tested – and subsequently approved – as an ADHD treatment.

Ok, let's find some way to use it to help all those confused and frustrated menopausal women!
I've got steam coming out of my ears, Ladies!! Did you see the possible side effects? Granted, every medication has a sometimes scary list of side effects, but usually it's not the very problem you're trying to eliminate by taking the medication! Do any of these side effects sound like your typical menopause symptoms?

  • dry mouth
  • tiredness
  • irritability
  • dizziness
  • sweating
  • decreased libido
  • increased obsessive behavior (that is the LAST thing we need)
  • weight changes
  • palpitations
Then the best of all...this would really make me want to take it to help with normal menopausal brain fog:

Occasionally after prolonged use some patients have experienced slow onset mild depression, tiredness and forgetfulness while using Strattera. There were also reports of this medicine causing indications of short-term memory loss from some patients

AND....look at this! To date, the potential for abuse of Strattera has not been researched extensively. The two studies that have been performed suggest that atomoxetine has a low to moderate risk for abuse, since it has a long titration time (meaning that it may have no effect on the user unless they've been taking it regularly for days) and does not produce strong stimulating effects like most other ADHD medications. Monkeys will not self-administer atomoxetine at the doses tested. However, rats, pigeons and monkeys trained to distinguish cocaine ormethamphetamine from saline indicate that atomoxetine produces effects indistinguishable from low doses of cocaine or methamphetamine, but not at all like high doses of cocaine. Check out Wikipedia for complete info.

I'd really like to know.....are you tempted to try something like this or are you fed up with the medical world only focusing on drugs as solutions?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Paula Deen and Diabetes

When Paula Deen announced that she has Type2 diabetes, it immediately caught my attention.  Since I was diagnosed with T2 in April 2010 I have become pretty well versed on the subject and have taken it very seriously, so I do understand what an impact it can make on your life. I also know that we're all different and require different combinations of diet, exercise and medication to manage this life changing disease, so there's no one answer to how to manage your diabetes.

With all of our concerns about weight gain during menopause and how our lifestyles can change after menopause, I feel that we need to stay on top of this and get the right information. I also feel that Paula had a great opportunity to help bring a lot of attention to dia

According to the 2011 National Diabetes Fact Sheet, 25.8 million children and adults in the United States—8.3% of the population—have diabetes.  79 million more people are classified as “pre-diabetic.”

Deen (here in her "original" look) is in a very difficult position since she's a celebrity and waited 3 years to tell anyone about her diagnosis, which is her perogative. I don't even mind that she is a spokesperson for a diabetes drug, but I DO take issue with her (and the pharm company and the ADA) trying to position her as the "face of Type 2 Diabetes" when, even with her son's new, revised versions of her old recipes, because....she's still promoting recipes with more sugar, flour and starches than most diabetics can eat and still maintain a safe level of blood sugars. 

I am not bashing Paula, I do like her, but I think she's caught up in her own celebrity and where she was totally comfortable in her role on tv as a cooking celebrity, I don't believe she's at all comfortable with her role as a spokesperson for diabetes. She obviously does not understand it enough and is only spouting information given her by the drug company she is representing.

The media is not helping (because no one is talking to diabetics) by continually reporting that a diet high in butter has caused anyone's diabetes. Guess what Folks? Butter is a diabetics FRIEND! It's too many simple carbs (sugars, flours, potatoes) and too much high fructose corn syrup in too many prepared and processed foods, AND the lack of exercise that is causing a lot of the diabetes our society is experiencing these days. 

For any of you with diabetes who feel that you're not getting the kind of support you want and need from the medical profession or even the diabetes educators you've dealt with, join us on this forum.

Again....I don't care that she didn't tell "us" for 3 years and I don't care if she's using and promoting the diabetes drug, (she is partnering “with a reputable pharmaceutical company” as spokesperson for a $500-a-month diabetes drug (with side-effects that may include pancreatitis and thyroid cancer) but I do care that she's insinutating that she can still eat the way she used to when 99% of diabetics have to dramatically change their eating. She's not saying you have to make a choice between sacrificing many of the foods you love and you HAVE to start exercising, even if you're on medication. Even though her son has a tv show to "lighten up" some of Paula's recipes, but I just cringe when I hear them say these are "diabetic friendly" because they're not! 

I'm sure we're going to hear more from and about Paula in the months to come and I hope you will all chime in on the topic. I'm getting off my soapbox now and will go eat my steak and small salad for dinner! Perfectly healthy for a diabetic....even with the FAT. Notice there's no bread or potatoes included in my meal. :)

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Christmas 2011 -- 

Birth of a New Tradition

As the holidays approach, the giant Asian factories are kicking into high gear to provide Americans with monstrous piles of cheaply produced goods -- merchandise that has been produced at the expense of American labor. This year will be different. This year Americans will give the gift of genuine concern for other Americans. There is no longer an excuse that, at gift giving time, nothing can be found that is produced by American hands. Yes there is!

It's time to think outside the box, people. Who says a gift needs to fit in a shirt box, wrapped in Chinese produced wrapping paper?
  • Everyone -- yes EVERYONE gets their hair cut. How about gift certificates from your local American hair salon or barber?
  • Gym membership? It's appropriate for all ages who are thinking about some health improvement.
  • Who wouldn't appreciate getting their car detailed? Small, American owned detail shops and car washes would love to sell you a gift certificate or a book of gift certificates.
  • Are you one of those extravagant givers who think nothing of plunking down the Benjamins on a Chinese made flat-screen? Perhaps that grateful gift receiver would like his driveway sealed, or lawn mowed for the summer, or driveway plowed all winter, or games at the local golf course.
  • There are a bazillion owner-run restaurants -- all offering gift certificates. And, if your intended isn't the fancy eatery sort, what about a half dozen breakfasts at the local breakfast joint. Remember, folks this isn't about big National chains -- this is about supporting your home town Americans with their financial lives on the line to keep their doors open.
  • How many people couldn't use an oil change for their car, truck or motorcycle, done at a shop run by the American working guy?
  • Thinking about a heartfelt gift for mom? Mom would LOVE the services of a local cleaning lady for a day.
  • My computer could use a tune-up, and I KNOW I can find some young guy who is struggling to get his repair business up and running.
  • OK, you were looking for something more personal. Local crafts people spin their own wool and knit them into scarves. They make jewelry, and pottery and beautiful wooden boxes.
  • Plan your holiday outings at local, owner operated restaurants and leave your server a nice tip. And, how about going out to see a play or ballet at your hometown theatre? Musicians need love too, so find a venue showcasing local bands.
  • Honestly, people, do you REALLY need to buy another ten thousand Chinese lights for the house? When you buy a five dollar string of light, about fifty cents stays in the community. If you have those kinds of bucks to burn, leave the mailman, trash guy or babysitter a nice BIG tip.

You see, Christmas is no longer about draining American pockets so that China can build another glittering city. Christmas is now about caring about US, encouraging American small businesses to keep plugging away to follow their dreams. And, when we care about other Americans, we care about our communities, and the benefits come back to us in ways we couldn't imagine. THIS is the new American Christmas tradition.
Forward this to everyone on your mailing list -- post it to discussion groups -- throw up a post on Craigslist in the Rants and Raves section in your city -- send it to the editor of your local paper and radio stations, and TV news departments. This is a revolution of caring about each other, and isn't that what Christmas is about?

Here's a map to find Made in the USA companies
Here's a page showing Made in the USA by products

I didn't write the message above, but thank you to the person who did! It will help if you send this around or post on your blog, site or Facebook, but it will help even much more....if you're thinking about what you're buying and where it comes from! If each of us makes an effort to "buy American", it will truly make a difference! I'm even going to start asking store managers for more "Made in the USA" products. If they get enough requests and we cut back on buying China made products, trust me...they will listen (eventually).

Monday, October 10, 2011

A Middle-Age Fall

No, not THAT kind of fall....LOL! I've been neglecting my blog sorry!! I was planning on posting every day and I only seem to make it every SEASON! Since my last post was this past Spring, I thought I'd share this lovely FALL day with you and catch you up on a few things!

First of all, I'm still walking! Hard to believe that I've been doing a mile a day (sometimes 2 miles) for 19 months! Many of you know that I was diagnosed with diabetes in March of 2010 and I feel that this unfortunate turn of events has actually helped me to lose weight and keep it off. I think I've posted several "before and after" pics, but here's one that kind of shows the whole year (although it's not the most dramatic one--but it's still painful to show how big I was). I guess that's kind of vain, and if you dig deep enough into my blog and my website you will see the full extent my journey to health. Just know that if you struggle with your weight, I understand and would be happy to help if I can.

So, what's been going on in your life since Spring? Any big news to share? Any monumental decisions or changes made? I've got a big event coming up next only daughter is getting married! I told her fiance that he's made ME a very happy woman! LOL! He's a great guy and, in my opinion, perfect for my daughter! I couldn't be happier! But now I have to find a DRESS!! Thankfully, it will be a smaller size, but it has to have certain features to cover certain flaws like a belly that's not quite flat and batwing arms!

I've been looking around (on the internet, of course) and I really like the dresses by Alex Evenings and especially this one, but the one thing my daughter asked is don't wear a "champagne" colored dress! This one is actually Taupe....wonder if I could get by with this! It IS kind of bland as far as color, but I love the length (it's an afternoon wedding), love the jacket with the 3/4 sleeves...well, to the elbow anyway, and I love the way it's not "clingy" to the body! A really good body shaper would take care of the bulging belly I think! It just looks really comfortable.

I'm going to keep looking and see if I can find something I really like that has a little more color, but so far there's always some element missing. :( 

Have to finish my newsletter today so I'll be signing off for now. I'm going to try (again) to do a daily post from today on. I had an idea (while out walking) about taking you on my walk each day and talking about something that is on my mind that day. Or maybe you have an idea of what you would like to discuss. Let me know!! Here's a picture from yesterday's walk....the Fall colors take my breath away!

Monday, May 02, 2011

The rewards of Spring and Walking!

I've mentioned several times that last year when I started walking (to lose weight), the main thing that kept me going out there every morning was the chance that I might see deer or rabbits or other kinds of wildlife, as well as the beautiful sunrises and sunsets (when I walked in the evening also). 

When I started taking my camera on my walk, it became more like an obsession! I was afraid I would miss something so I kept walking until the snow got so deep that I couldn't make it for a mile and then the ice made it dangerous. I took some wonderful photos and I've posted some of them previously on the blog for you to enjoy.

Now it's Spring again and I'm out there every morning looking for signs of Spring and renewal. It's been a long, cold winter in Michigan and the smallest thing can either make or break my day! The first thing I noticed this morning was that things are starting to fill in...the buds are spreading out and filling the spaces between the twigs that have been bare all winter.

I decided to look more closely for bird nests since in another week they'll be totally hidden. I can't believe how lucky I was today! The first thing I saw was this tiny little nest. I swear I looked inside and didn't see anything, but when you look at the photo, it looks like a little beak at the bottom of the opening, doesn't it?

I may go back later on today just to make sure! It's hard to tell how big (or small) it is so I took a few more to show the comparison with my hand.

I just have to figure out whether this is a new nest and eggs have not been laid yet or an old nest from last year. I've never seen an actual hummingbird nest before (in person). Since I've found live web cams on the internet, I've seen every kind of nest and eggs and new baby birds from  hummers to eagles!

A few more feet down the trail and I saw a bigger nest perfectly encased in a pretty thick overgrown area. It was very difficult to get to, but I finally got my camera up high enough to take a picture. At first I thought it was empty so I continued on my walk, but then on the way back, I saw a robin come out of that thicket so I decided to try again.

The robin stayed close by and was making a single chirping noise instead of the regular beautiful song, so I thought this must be a newly constructed nest and I wanted to get a picture of it. 

This picture shows how thick those branches were and I'm really surprised I even noticed the nest. Of course, to get my camera up high enough to get a shot inside the nest I couldn't see what I was shooting so it took quite a few shots before I got this one. Obviously, it was empty so I don't know what made me keep trying for a new angle! I was standing on a muddy, almost verticle hill and must have looked crazy the way I was trying to get close enough without getting stabbed in the eye with those branches!

Well....I was rewarded for all my efforts! For my eagerness to get out there and walk every day, for making it through a rough winter and not giving up, for slowing down and paying closer attention...AND for remembering to have my camera battery charged!! :) I would be amazed if I'm still able to see the nest once the babies are hatched once the leaves have wrapped the nest in privacy, but for now I am just grateful for today's adventure!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Time for new walking shoes! Made in the USA!

Last year about this time I started walking. I hadn't bought new tennis shoes in many years (also hadn't WALKED in many years!) but after a few weeks of walking in my Dr. Scholls, I knew I had to get some real walking shoes. I had a really tough time finding the right ones. I actually bought and returned 4 different shoes before settling on a pair of Skechers, which have held up pretty well but after I lost over 50 lbs. from walking, the shoes are too big!

So after watching a special on ABC about finding stuff made in America, I started checking all kinds of stuff from shoes to clothes to see where these things were made and sadly, my Skechers were made in China. (So are Dr. Scholls) Very disappointing, but I'm trying to do everything possible to support companies who make their products here in AMERICA, therefore providing jobs for Americans. So I thought I had found the solution for my new shoes:

New Balance is the only athletic shoe company that continues to prove high-quality athletic footwear can be produced competitively in the United States. We are committed to American workers. Twenty-five percent of New Balance shoes sold in North America are produced by our U.S. workforce using U.S. and imported materials.

Hmmm...only 25%? Well, at least they've listed which ones are made here or just assembled here. It will take a little more work on my part, but I'll feel like I've tried anyway. It's still sad that it's only 25% and that they make their marketing sound like they're USA all the way! You have to read it very carefully.

Twenty-five percent of New Balance shoes sold in North America are produced by our US workforce, using US and imported materials. When possible, we obtain materials from domestic suppliers. At times, due to availability, economic or quality reasons, there is a need to import components from foreign sources. Where the domestic value is at least 70%, we have labeled the shoe "Made in the USA." Where it falls below 70%, we have qualified the label referencing domestic and imported materials. This determination is based in part on the Federal trade Commission's survey of consumers.

It just feels like we're "settling" instead of demanding goods that are at least 80% made here from 80% domestic materials and labor. I know we consumers are always looking for the cheaper price, but look where it got us....with cheaper quality for so many products and even higher prices for stuff made in America. And the Skechers cost as much or more as the New Balance!
It's just tipped so far out of balance (excuse the pun) and  I don't know what the answer is other than what we can each do individually. This mess didn't happen overnight so the fix will not come quickly, but I can tell you it good enough to do SOMETHING, even if it's only 25% worth? After starting this article on finding some new walking shoes, I'm happy to announce that I've also found some 100% made in the USA!!  Unfortunately, NB is still the only one that makes walking/running shoes. It's still encouraging to find that there ARE companies out there still providing the choice for products made at home. Be sure and check out the Americans Working site for as many new purchases you can find.

If more of us are just aware of the choices we DO have, it will help. This is a cool map showing some of the products made so check out what is made in your state and help support products MADE IN THE USA! I'll post a picture of my new shoes when I get them. :)

Here's wishing you some great walks! 

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

How to eat more and lose weight!

I just had a brilliant idea after reading this article! All pre-menopausal, in the moment menopausal and post-menopausal women (and those who love them) should be eating as if they had diabetes. There are so many elements of this way of eating that will help with menopause symptoms such as (just to mention a few):

  • Weight gain (obviously)
  • Hot flashes
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Incontinence
as well as general health issues like blood pressure & cholesterol, creaky, painful knees and low energy levels.

Many of you know that I was diagnosed with Type2 diabetes in April 2010 and I started walking and eating low carb to reduce my blood sugar levels. I'm not happy to have diabetes because, in spite of what you hear, I don't believe it can be reversed with diet and exercise, even with medication, but if I had known my blood sugar levels a year ago and had started making changes then, I probably could have prevented it becoming a reality.

One more matter what kind of eating plan you embark on (notice the avoidance of the "d" word), there is NOTHING that will allow you to do it for a few weeks or months, lose the weight and then be able to go back to what you were doing before! When you find something that works you have to stay on that plan to maintain your weight loss. That's why it's so important to find something you can really enjoy. Yes, you're going to have to sacrifice some things but it's so worth it to feel great, improve your health, fit into your clothes and like what you see in the mirror!! So mentally be prepared to make this a lifestyle!

I guess I'm grateful that diabetes has forced me to take my health more seriously and if you've read previous posts on this blog, you know that I've lost over 56 lbs. and I can't tell you how much better I feel! Well, I CAN tell you and I want to encourage each of you to give it a try! Unfortunately, because of the diabetes, I've had to cut out many of my favorite foods that are healthy for people without diabetes (whole grains, fruit, milk), but if you can make a change right now you can enjoy all the benefits WITH delicious food! And you can prevent diabetes before it happens!

About the only thing I don't totally agree with is eliminating so much fat, but I'm a proponent of the lowcarb lifestyle and believe that fat doesn't make you fat. Here's a very good video of one of my favorite doctors (Andrew Weil) talking about this. Some people can tolerate and metabolize carbs better than others so everyone has to do what will work for them, but my point here is to give you incentive to think very seriously about making some changes today! You will thank me later...I guarantee it! :) And don't forget to take your "before" picture!

My recommendation is to get your blood sugar tested and make changes (with your doctor's approval) that will help you AVOID diabetes. You will lose weight and get healthy and feel better overall....menopause or not! Let me know what you think and if you have any questions.