Happy Birthday to me! :)
These birthdays seem to be coming faster and faster! Could have sworn I just had one! This is #73, but don't really feel that old.
I wrote that on the 27th of April...didn't get very far. My daughter and her Fiance took me to dinner and gave me some lovely gifts - watercolor supplies!
Now it is the 9th of May...Mother's Day and I'm trying again! :) It's cold (45°) here in Michigan with possibly some rain and I will be home watching and waiting for the Cardinal babies to hatch outside my bedroom window.
They've been a joy to watch, even though pictures are through window and screen most of the time! :)
So, with birdwatching, photography, learning to paint with watercolors and taking care of my houseplants, I really haven't felt bored or "closed in" after more than a year of the pandemic.