Thursday, January 10, 2013

A new year, a new life....

After my move from Michigan to Texas in November, I set my mind to getting settled into a totally new lifestyle....again! Did that 17 years ago when I moved from Missouri to Michigan and then watched as my family grew from 3 kids to 3 kids with 3 spouses and 6 grandkids.  Then my oldest son, moved to Texas with his family about 7 years ago and I visited about once a year, but felt that my 3 youngest grandkids were really missing out on having family around so I made the decision to move here and give them the benefit of visiting Grandma for a sleepover or having Grandma attend their plays at school or Cubscouts, etc.

So, as I said in my last blog, I decided to sell everything and move to Texas. I'm 1st on a waiting list for a one bedroom apartment that is only 10 min. from the kids' house, so for now I'm a live-in Grandma! :)

The first thing I had to do was get my computer set up so I could work on my website so my son made room in his office. Here's the view from the window behind his head. I call it my tower.

With Christmas looming right after I got here, there was shopping and wrapping and learning where everything was located. Plus I had to get Tx license plates and driver's license (actually not a bad photo this time!), so there was always a flurry of activity around here, but we made it through the Holidays and although I missed seeing the Michigan kids on Christmas, I was happy that I had made the decision to get here in time to spend Christmas with the younger ones.

I did end up with a bout of the flu after Christmas and I think that's another result of being around school age kids. :) Thank goodness my son and daughter-in-law were off work long enough for me to stay in bed and recover!

It's not easy to move in with a busy family after so many years of living alone, but for the time being the situation is working out for everyone. I'll be 65 in April and will be on Medicare, which is something else I have to adjust to. I guess my point is that our lives keep on changing and we have to keep on adjusting. Otherwise, we get in a rut and so far I can't remember a rut that I wanted to stay in, can you? 

I've checked into the Senior center here in Keller, but to be honest with you, I just don't feel like that is my cup of tea. They seem TOO senior or something. Maybe it's just that I'm not interested in the kind of activities they offer and the photos on the website seem to show much older people. I don't know, guess I'll keep looking to find some groups that match my interests.....dancing, fishing and birdwatching. :)

I'm feeling healthy again, going for my walks each day and getting back in the swing of things with my website, so I guess you could say I'm feeling normal, even though it's a new normal. What I'm working on now is deciding if I want to take some online classes for illustration. I want to do it but at this point I don't want to have huge student loans to pay back. I'm doing research to find some scholarships for people my age who want to go to college. Wish me luck!

Thanks for following my blog and for your comments and encouragement! I look forward to hearing from you! Dee