Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A rustic scene on the trail where I walk....very peaceful!

I've been thinking lately about how we all find peace and quiet in different ways. I love getting up early in the morning because even though I live by myself, the sounds of the rest of the world interfere with my peace and quiet. The sound of traffic as neighbors leave for work or the neighbor who walks his dog very early (and the dog barks at his own shadow, I think!).

I honestly think I've become super-sensitive to noise as I've gotten older, yet sometimes I get wrapped up in my OWN noise and don't even realize it until all of a sudden I feel like screeching for everyone to "SHUT UP"!! Then I look around and see that I'm the only one here and I have the tv too loud, I'm listening to videos online, the clothes drying is buzzing because it's finished, someone is mowing their lawn and there's that damn dog barking again! LOL

So, the walks every morning for the past 5 months have given me a reliable escape! I go early so I get there before the traffic starts (on weekdays) and before the bikers, joggers and other walkers on the weekends. I feel like I own the trail when I'm the first one out there and I like to be the first one to see the wildlife who live in the area, like this doe and her young ones:

This does it for me. It renews my spirit for the day and even if I don't see the deer some days, the anticipation of it or the absolute KNOWING that I'm going to see a beautiful sunrise or an incredible cloud formation.

How do you find your peace and quiet? Are you able to transport yourself to a calm, beautiful place even when you can't actually GO somewhere? Can you get away from everyone else's noise garbage? 

Monday, August 09, 2010

Dee's Morning Walks

This is one of the views I see on my morning walks and yes, it might inspire many of you to get out there and walk every day, but actually it's not the scene that does it for me, it's taking the pictures and sharing them on Facebook that is my motivation!

The past 5 months have been the start of a new phase of my life, still in the MIDDLE of course, but a healthier middle age. I can also report that one of the things that increases as we grow older is our hindsight and I'm determined to convince some of you younger gals to take my advice and don't wait until you're in your 60's to start taking better care of yourselves!! I don't care if you're 40, 50 or SOMETHING TODAY that will be a step towards better health. Let me know if you need some details on what I've done and I'll be happy to tell you! 

It's been quite a journey (that's not over yet) of losing weight, trying to find the right pair of shoes, finding out I have diabetes--another reason I'm encouraging you to do something now, losing more weight, taking pictures of myself to document my weightloss, but still feeling like a fat girl, but now I'm an OLD fat girl! LOL See my previous blog about not being cute anymore. By the way, once I've lost a total of 50 lbs. (13 more to go) I might show before and after pictures! :) No promises though!

Basically, I'm your Fairy of the Future and if you care to listen, I can help you avoid some of the pitfalls of aging. It's MUCH easier to make a few changes now instead of waiting 5, 10 or 20 years when it will take a lot more effort to get the same result! 

Have you had your own "awakening"? What did it for you?