Monday, June 21, 2021

A little late re my promise...

 ...but, then again, it's never too late! Of course I'm talking about my promise to post every day...oops! Do we always put a guilt trip on ourselves when we don't keep a promise? Probably, even though this was not a live or die promise, I still kept reminding myself of what I "should" do. I have so many excuses even though I don't have to answer to anyone except myself. Here I am today so, to me I'm back on track! :)

Since my last post I have been painting and fighting with fungus gnats! Hahaha...quite a busy schedule, as you can imagine! :) They might not sound related, but one of those gnats literally landed on a freshly painted picture and it was all I could do not to smash the little "f***er"! That is how much rage they bring to my day!

My houseplants are my sanity, as well as my pride and joy for the past year and a half, and I went almost that full time without gnats (different from fruit flies). These buggers love moist dirt. To make a long story short, mine arrived in a new bag of medium made specifically for cactus & other plants that need quick draining. I transplanted a succulent arrangement that I got for my birthday. 
I didn't notice the gnats until I had already filled that planter AND put some into my other plants! :(


Naturally, I went to google and to my houseplant group and tried all the tips they gave me. It's gotten better but dealing with them is very frustrating! :)

So this is my catch-up day and hopefully, I'll be here tomorrow to chat about something more pleasant than fungus gnats!! LOL

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Today's priority was ....

 I spent the entire day concentrating on practicing my watercoloring! I watched several videos on youtube (so nice to be able to watch on my tv instead of the computer) and I found a new artist to follow--Peter Sheeler from Canada.

Love his work! He uses ink to sketch first and then very loose watercolor strokes for background or the illusion of something. Today I watched him paint this mailbox. He doesn't chatter while painting and I like that also...just some gentle music. :)

Here's an article about him from the UK and of course you can do a google search to see all his images and more:

So that was my day and now I have to keep my promise and post one of my own photos that will imply what my priority was today.


 Tomorrow....houseplants! :)

Monday, June 14, 2021

Priorities...hard to figure them out!

The title refers to this blog...I'm still trying to figure out what my priorities are here! To be so indecisive is exhauting! And I'm still not sure how many people are reading it. 

Those who ARE reading it are not commenting so that makes me believe I'm not being interesting, profound or even mildly worthy. :) Ok, I'm feeling sorry for myself's my own fault. I know very well that if I promote the blog (via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram), I would get new followers...BUT, I feel that I need to have a clear perspective and for now, I'm still all over the place.

I've been procrastinating about posting this month, as I have for years, and it's always about how open do I want to be, how personal, how funny, how serious. I decided today that I want to show either my photography or my watercolor projects. 

Believe it or not, I just gave myself another idea! What if, until I figure out my priorities here, I just post at least one photo each day for the rest of the month? Each day the photo should represent something about that day--be it an emotion, an activity, a disappointment or a joy. I like it!! I will post at the end of the day and it could be one photo or maybe a collage to express that day. :) 

In case you're wondering about the watercolor projects...don't think I'm ready to show them yet, but soon!

I hope I can remember to do this each day. And since today is just starting, the only thing I can think of is the sun coming out from behind the clouds! :)

Here's to figuring out your priorities one day at a time!